Tuesday 15 March 2022

English Competition


Read the text and decide if the sentences following it are true or false. Write T for true and F for false on the answer sheet. (10 items x2.5 points= 25 points)

The Great Bear Rainforest is on an island on British Columbia’s central coast, in Canada. The rainforest is the largest remaining piece of unbroken rainforest in the world and is full of interesting plants, birds and animals, including the Spirit Bear. It is thought that there are no more than 400 of these bears in the whole of the great Bear Rainforest – and they don’t exist anywhere else in the world.

The Island is a fantastic place to go bear and whale watching. It is also a great place to go diving, snorkeling and fishing. Even better, tourism is encouraged by local people and conservationists, as it shows that money can be made from the island without changing it, and this helps to protect the rainforest.

One of the best times to visit the island is mid-September. This is when salmon return in great numbers from the Pacific Ocean to the streams and rivers of British Columbia’s west coast. It is also when the bears come out to hunt them!

Knight Inlet is a place well known for its population of grizzly bears. It is on the southern edge of the Great Bear Rainforest. There can be up to 40 bears within a few miles during autumn when the fish are swimming up the river. Guests who stay at Knight Inlet start their adventure with a boat ride. They then board a small bus and travel through the northern rainforest to the river. They can go to five different viewing platforms, in three different areas, which are specially built to provide a safe and comfortable place to watch the bears from. It is not uncommon to see 10-15 bears on the river at a time.

Autumn isn’t the only season that grizzly bears go to the area. Starting in April, when they’ve woken from their winter sleep, both black and grizzly bears arrive to feed on the new spring growth. Even in mid-summer, when many of the bears have moved into the forests for their food, you can see several bears each day.

Knight Inlet offers wildlife viewing holidays ranging from one to seven nights for our spring, summer and autumn bear viewing. All their holidays begin at Campbell River and include one night in one of the two hotels there. This is essential because the plane journey to Knight Inlet starts very early in the morning.

1. The Great Bear Rainforest is divided into several parts. T/F
2. Spirit Bears can only be found in the Great Bear Rainforest. T/F
3. You can have various kinds of holiday on the island. T/F
4. People who live in the area welcome tourists. T/F
5. The bears appear when the fish are returning to the Pacific Ocean. T/F
6. Knight Inlet is in the middle of the rainforest. T/F
7. Guests at Knight Inlet travel straight to the river by boat. T/F
8. There is a choice of places to see the bears from. T/F
9. Tourists can watch the bears all year round. T/F
10. All tourists must sleep more than one night at Campbell River. T/F

1. Complete each sentence with a noun formed from a verb in the list. (10 items x 1, 5p= 15p)

acquaint, bear, behave, celebrate, die, engage, greet, marry, relate, resemble

1. All Kate’s friends and ………………… came to her party.
2. I occasionally meet Terry, but he is more a/an ………………. than a friend.
3. Mary received many cards, congratulating her on the …………….. of her baby.
4. When Paul arrived, he received a warm and friendly …………………….. .
5. Six months after their ……………….. , Michael and Lisa got married.
6. There was a great ……………. in the village when their team won the cup.
7. In an ideal …………………. , the husband and wife share each other’s problems.
8. Dina and her mother look alike. There is a strong ………….. between them.
9. There was no trouble, and the ………………… of the football fans was excellent.
10. Tom cried when he heard about the …………… of his old dog.

2. Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. (10 items x1.5p=15 points)

The word ‘blog’ is a short form of the term ‘web log’. Blogs (1)………… off as online diaries (2)……………… people kept a record of events in their personal lives and shared their (3)………….. . This is (4)...……….. the most common type of blog and many are private. However, increasingly more blogs are used for business purposes. There are now many different types of blogs. These vary in their style and their contents; some concentrate (5)…………a particular subject, such as travel blogs which are also known as travelogs, legal blogs sometimes called blawgs, political blogs, education blogs, fashion blogs or even dream blogs – the (6) .......……..is growing. A blog that features videos is called a vlog and if it is (7)…………up of photos it can be called a photoblog. The joy of blogs is that it isn’t (8) ………… to know how to write in code. Entries can be posted directly online in (9) ......………text and other (10) ……..can add comments. This makes blogging a form of social networking.

A. introduced
B. started
C. began
D. opened
A. where
B. which
C. that
D. who
A. mind
B. purposes
C. brain
D. thoughts
A. still
B. already
C. even
D. too
A. to
B. of
C. on
D. with
A. list
B. series
C. record
D. label
A. brought
B. taken
C. made
D. held
A. need
B. able
C. asked
D. necessary
A. natural
B. normal
C. average
D. reasonable
A. anyone
B. people
C. someone
D. person

3. Fill in with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (10 items x2p=20 points)

1. By the time we got to the theatre, the play …………. already …………. (begin).
2. When ……………. Shakespeare ……….….. (write) his plays?
3. Tom burnt his hand while he …………………. (cook) dinner.
4. I’m tired. I …………………. (do) a lot of work today.
5. We usually drink coffee, but today we …………………. (drink) tea.
6. A new hospital …………………… (build) in our district next year.
7. ………. you ……..... (do) anything this weekend?
8. If you ………..…….. (eat) too many sweets, you’ll get ill.
9. ……..… you ….…….. (hear) the wind? It’s blowing heavily right now.
10. I …………………. (read) this book for a month now.

Write a story with the title:
My lucky day
Write  between 150-180 words.

·        Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.
·        Nu se acordă puncte din oficiu.
·        Timp de lucru: 90 de minute.


SUBIECTUL I (10 items x 1.5p = 15p)
Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.

Every year, in Stockholm on 10th of December there is an event which is 1) ............. throughout the 2) ................. . It is the Nobel Prize giving Ceremony. This is a very special day 3) .............. prizes are given to scientists, 4) .............. and peace-makers who have (5) ............ more of a difference than anyone else in their subject.
The event has grown enormously since 1901 when only 150 guests (all male) attended. 6) ........., around 1,800 people, including the Nobel Prize winners who are still alive, are 7) .......... . It is a day of fun and luxury. The winners (8) .............. their prizes from the Swedish King. The prize giving is followed by an enormous celebration dinner in the Town Hall.
The main reason it is so popular is that the Nobel prizes have 9) ......... a special place in society. Many similar international prizes exist, (10) ......... none of them are so well-respected.

1)     A traditional                 B built                          C famous                      D engaged
2)     A world                        B earth                         C planet                       D continent
3)     A which                       B why                           C when                                    D that
4)     A painters                     B actors                        C doctors                      D referees
5)     A made                        B done                         C had                           D got
6)     A But                           B So                             C And                          D Now
7)     A impressed                  B invented                    C invited                      D insulted
8)     A fetch                         B pick                          C receive                      D take
9)     A created                      B earned                       C reached                     D become
10)  A unless                       B like                            C but                            D even

SUBIECTUL II (10 items x 1.5p = 15p)
Complete this postcard. Write ONE word for each space.

Some hotels have hundreds of rooms, some have just a 1) ......... . You might think small hotels are friendlier, but making guests feel welcome isn’t a question of size 2) .... of attitude. Guests can 3) ...... made to feel at home in a 900-room hotel with a swimming 4) ....... and half a dozen restaurants, and unwelcome in a hotel with a few bedrooms and just a small breakfast room. It all depends 5) .......... the employees, from receptionists 6) ............ cleaners and managers. 
Many people start working 7) .............. hotels to meet people, or to provide a good service. My own reason for working at a hotel  8) .......... less interesting: I left university, my parents 9) ............ moved abroad, and I had to 10) ....... a job with accommodation.

SUBIECTUL III (15 items x 1p = 15p)

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
Carolyn is my best friend. I remember very well the first time we 1) ……… (meet). It was our first day at secondary school, and we 2) ……… (sit) next to each other for the first lesson. We 3) …….. (not/know) any other students in our class, and so, we 4) ………. (become) friends. We found that we 5) …….. (like) the same things, especially music and sport, and so we 6) ……..(spend) a lot of time together.
We 7) …….. (leave) school five years ago, but we 8) …… (meet) as often as we can.  For the last six months Carolyn 9)…….. (be) in Mexico. At the moment, she 10) ………….. (work) in a school as a teaching assistant. She 11) ………… (come) back to England next month, and when she 12) …….. (come) back, we 13) ………. (have) lots of things 14) ……….. (talk) about. It 15) ………(be) really nice to see her again.

SUBIECTUL IV (10 items x 1.5p = 15p)
Use the words in bold to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

1)     After two years of  ............................., Kate got to know David really well. (friend)
2)     If you don’t speak the language you feel more like a  ........................ . (foreign)
3)     Don’t forget to turn off the ............................. before you leave. (cook)
4)     They didn’t give Harry the job as he was .............................. (experience)
5)     The most useful............................. of the past few decades must be the clockwork radio. (invent)
6)     Smoking too much is ............................. to your health. (harm)
7)     I am going to be a  .............................in a TV quiz show. (contest)
8)     I have a  ............................. for pop music over rock. (prefer)
9)     Luke came in first in the song ............................. . (compete)
10)  We should always take other people’s feeling into .............................. . (considerate)

SUBIECTUL V (10 items x 1.5p = 15p)
Read the text and choose the correct answer: true (T) or false (F).
Norwich, the capital of the part of Britain known as East Anglia, has existed as a place to live for more than two thousand years. It began as a small village beside the River Wensum. The first cathedral was built in 1095 and has recently celebrated its 900th anniversary, while Norwich itself had a year of celebration in 1994 to mark the 800th anniversary of the city receiving a Royal Charter. This allowed it to be called a city and to govern itself independently. Today, in comparison with places like London or Manchester, Norwich is quite small, with a population of around 150,000, but in the 16th century Norwich was the second city of England. It continued to grow for the next 300 years and got richer and richer, becoming famous for having as many churches as there are weeks in the year and as many pubs as there are days in the year. Nowadays, there are far fewer churches and pubs. With its fast growing university student population and its success as a modern commercial centre, the city now has a wide choice of entertainment: theatres, cinemas, nightclubs, busy cafes, excellent restaurants, and a number of arts and leisure centres. Now the city's attractions include another important development, a modern shopping centre called 'The Castle Mall'. The people of Norwich lived with a very large hole in the middle of their city for over two years, as builders dug up the main car park. Lorries moved nearly a million tons of earth so that the roof of the Mall could become a city centre park, with attractive water pools and hundreds of trees. But the local people are really pleased that the old open market remains, right in the heart of the city and next to the new development.

1. The River Wensum flows through the entire East Anglia. T/F
2. People have lived by the River Wensum for at least 2,000 years. T/F
3. In the 11th century Norwich was a small village. T/F
4. Norwich has been a city since its first cathedral was built. T/F
5. Norwich has always been one of the smallest English cities. T/F
6. There are more churches today in Norwich than there were in the past. T/F
7. The number of students in Norwich is increasing. T/F
8. The Castle Mall took more than two years to build. T/F
9. Norwich people still like shopping at the old market. T/F
10. The city park surrounds the Mall. T/F

Write a 150-word story beginning with the following sentence:
“I was visiting a town for the first time when someone called out my name.”

NOTĂ: Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Timp de lucru: 2 ore. Nu se acordă puncte din oficiu.


SUBIECTUL I (10 items x 1.5p= 15p)
Complete this letter with the words below"

audience, role, lighting, comedy, curtain, star, scenery, make-up, scene, role, clapped

Dear Julia,
I’ve just been to the theatre. I saw a 1) ................ about a crazy family living in an old castle. The 2) ................ of the 90-year-old grandfather was actually played by a man in his 20s. His 3) ................ was very good – they managed to make him look really old. The 4) ................ of the show was the little girl who played the youngest daughter. The 5) ................ loved her. The best 6) ................ was when the old man thought there were burglars in the middle of the night. The theatre group had made their own 7) ................ and costumes. There were some great sound and 8) ................ effects.
At the end everyone 9) ................ for ages, even after the 10) ................ had come down.
I’d like to be an actor – have you ever been in a play?

SUBIECTUL II (10 items x 1p= 10p)

Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1) Do your parents come to the theatre with us tonight?
2) He got fed up about waiting for her and left.
3) She has bought the tickets and she will see Robbie Williams live in July.
4) Preparations are making so that everything is ready for the wedding next week.
5) The good news are that we are going away this weekend!
6) He is by far good actor they have ever seen.
7) There’s no point to try to persuade him to give up.
8) If I would be you, I wouldn’t turn down their offer.
9) Did the police officer follow them by his car?
10) When I was a child, I would live in Australia.

SUBIECTUL III (10 items x 1.5p= 15p)

Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.


When the Spanish explorer Cortez reached Mexico in the sixteenth century, he found the people there using a drink they 1) ................... chocolate. It tasted quite strong 2) ................... it had pepper in it. To 3) ................... it taste better, the Spanish added sugar to it. When chocolate first came to Europe in the seventeenth century, people started to drink it with milk, 4) ................... of water. Nowadays, tonnes of chocolate and cocoa are
5) ................... to factories, where they are turned 6) ................... many popular sweets and cakes. 7) ................... chocolate and cocoa come from the fruit of the cacao tree. Cacao trees 8) ................... only be grown in hot countries, as they need a warm climate. Cacao is an American plant, 9) ................... still grows wild in the northern part of South America. Countries in Central and South America were the first to grow it, but today Africa 10) ................... the world with the most chocolate.

1) A told B called C declared
2) A while B because C whether
3) A let B allow C make
4) A apart B rather C instead
5) A delivered B prepared C produced
6) A down B into C off
7) A Both B Every C Either
8) A can B have C might
9) A what B which C who
10) A brings B supplies C gives

SUBIECTUL IV (10 items x 1p= 10p)

Choose the correct answer.

1) This is my favourite song. Turn it ............... !
A off B out C up

2) Jim said he had bought the book the day before.
A ”I had bought the book yersterday.”
B ”I bought the book yesterday.”
C ”I have bought the book yesterday.”
3) They didn’t like rainy weather but eventually they ............... to it.
A used B got used C were used
4) If I ............... time, I would take up a hobby.
A have B would have C had
5) I remember the time ............... we built the house.
A when B which C where
6) I promise I ............... you your money back soon.
A am going to give B will give C am giving
7) I wonder if you know where...............
A is the post office? B the post office is. C the post office is?
8) His first film ............... an Oscar for the Best Screenplay.
A awarded B was awarding C was awarded
9) Sue ............... all her money by the time she got to the shops.
A had spent B was spending C spent
10) You can borrow my car ............... you drive carefully
A unless B so long as C on condition

SUBIECTUL V (10 items x 2.5p= 25p)

Read the text below and mark the sentences 1-10 True (T) or False (F).

Wickton City Football Club

Tony Connor has been Wickton City’s youth officer for 18 months. At the age of 16 he went from Wickton to Ipswich Town to be a professional footballer. This had always been his ambition but he had to return home because he was injured and that’s where he’s stayed. He was then a football coach for over 7 years.

Now, as youth officer, he has three parts to his job – to run the mini-soccer centre on a Saturday morning, to teach football to local teenagers, and to help look after the football club’s Academy for players who are training in order to play in the first team. He says “Everything I do is important but I spend longer teaching local teenagers than I do on the other parts of the job.”
He wants teenagers to get football qualifications; therefore he’s developed a programme to help them.“These ”Football Skills” courses are for young people who have no qualifications. We obviously can’t give them jobs at the end but, by doing our courses, I hope they’ll find a job in the future and a few of them might actually work for a football club. There’s no charge for most of the courses we run. We usually charge a small fee for the equipment but we sometimes provide that free as well.”

In addition, for the first time in the club’s history, there are now three children’s teams. “Since last year,we’ve got under-twelves, under-fourteens, under-sixteens, and also the Academy teams, which contain the best players in the town.”
As well as forming football stars of the future, the club is also trying to encourage younger fans. “We hope to attract more of the young kids here, to make them feel part of the club, in order to save them travelling miles to Manchester United or Liverpool every week.”
Tony says the club went through a bad period. “A few years ago we nearly lost our team altogether as the club had very little money so we’re making sure that doesn’t happen again. For about fifteen years, the club couldn’t get well-known players since the money wasn’t available. Therefore a lot of local players have played in the first team over the last two years and that’s helped the level of football in the area. So that’s a good thing.“

1) Tony’s dream was to be a football coach.
2) Tony is doing his second job since going back to Wickton.
3) One part of Tony’s job takes up the most time.
4) A few teenagers on the “Football Skills” courses are offered jobs with Wickton City.
5) Equipment on the courses is provided free for everyone.
6) The aim of the Saturday club is for young people to learn to be competitive.
7) The number of different football teams for young people in Wickton has increased recently.
8) In the past young people in Wickton were fans of teams from outside the area.
9) Tony thinks the club may have to close in the future.
10) The fact that most of the Wickton City players are from the area is positive.


Write a story beginning with the following sentence:
“I had a real surprise when I opened the envelope.”

Write 150-180 words.

Read this first and then work on the letter : 

1. Compose a letter to a friend telling him about what happened during your  first school semester . 
  1. Place today's date in the upper right corner.
  2. Below on the left, write "Dear" and the person's name, followed by a comma.
  3. Under that, indent and write your first paragraph. Indent other paragraphs in the body of your letter.
  4. Afterward, write a closing like "Sincerely" or "Love" on the right, followed by a comma.
  5. Then sign your name.

Study this :

Write an e-mail for a friend on a topic at your choice . 

MORE Models of e-mails :


I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: (20 points)

“One Saturday night, Tsukuru and Haida 1….. (BE) up talking late as usual when they 2….
(TURN) to the subject of death. They talked about the significance of dying, about 3…..(HAVE) to live with the knowledge that you were going to die. They discussed it mainly in theoretical terms.
Tsukuru wanted to explain how close to death he 4……. (BE) very recently, and the profound
changes that experience 5…… (BRING) about, both physically and mentally. He wanted to tell
Haida about the strange things he 6…… (SEE). But he 7…… (KNOW)ă that if he 8……..
(MENTION) it, he 9……. (HAVE) to explain the whole sequence of events, from start to finish.
So as always, Haida 10……. (DO)ă most of the talking, while Tsukuru 11…… (SIT) back and
listened. (….) “When my father 12……. (BE) young, he spent a year wandering around Japan,” Haida began. “This was at the end of the 1960s, the peak of the counterculture era, when the student movement 13…….(OVERWHELM) universities. I don’t know all the details, but when he was in college in Tokyo, a lot of stupid things 14……(HAPPEN), and he got fed up with politics and left the movement. He 15…….(TAKE) a leave of absence from school and wandered around the country. My father says this 16…….(BE) the happiest time of his life, when he learned some important lessons. As far as I know, he 17……..(SPEND)his time since just shuttling back and forth between home and his office. It’s strange, isn’t it? No matter how quiet and conformist a person’s life 18……(SEEM), there’s always a time in the past when they 19……. (REACH) an impasse. A time when they 20…….(GO) a little crazy. I guess people need that sort of stage intheir lives.”
 (Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage, Haruki Muraka)

II. Choose the answer which best completes each sentence: (10 points)

1. However hard he tried he could not ......... smoking.
A. cut up B. cut out C. cut D. quit
2. They are offering a ......... to anyone who can give information about the robbery.
A. compensation B. reward C. prize D. premium
3. You have made us a lot of promises, but none..........
A. have been kept B. has been kept C. has kept D. have kept
4. An honest man always ............ his word.
A. holds B. retains C. sustains D. keeps
5. He always ............ part in his children’s games.
A. had B. played C. took D. was
6. Keep............................. while I take your picture- stop moving!.
A. steal B. quiet C. still D. steel
7. Don’t ..........................., think about the future.
A. give back B. look back C. look forward D. watch
8. This exercise is so easy. It`s a piece of....................
A. pie B. meat C. cucumber D. cake
9. The children are at ……………. cinema at the moment.
A. - B. a C. the D. an
10. Cathy is……………..the fastest runner in our school.
A. much B. by far C. very D. less

III. Fill in the gaps with the correct word derived from the one given. (20 points)

1. His car is his most valuable………………….. POSSESS
2. He is well known for his........................... to others. KIND
3. His behaviour is really…………, even though he is 25 years old. CHILD
4. Kate has a very ........................ lifestyle. That’s why she’s very fit. ACT
5. They didn`t have the ………………… to do what they wanted to do. FREE
6. He was such an ................ man. ADVENTURE
7. They understood her...............well. AMAZING
8. You will get a diploma if you complete the course …………. SUCCESS
9. Choosing the right career to suit your …… can be rather difficult. PERSONAL
10. She often imagines that she is suffering from …………………

IV. Write a composition of about 150 words starting with the sentence: “When I opened my
eyes, I realised it was only a dream”. Give your story a title. (40 points)


I. Complete the fable with the correct form of the verbs:(1 point x20 = 20 points)

Once upon a time, a lion and a fox went hunting together. First, the fox
____________________ (1ask) the lion, ”Why ____________________ (2not / you / send) a
message to the donkey asking for peace?” The lion, happy at the thought of such a suggestion,
_________________ (3accept) and, soon after, they _____________(4see) that the donkey
__________________ (5walk) towards them ready to accept the proposal. But as soon as the donkey
__________________( 6arrive), the lion _________________ (7attack) and killed him.
After this, the lion took the donkey to the fox and said, ”Here ____________(8 be) our meal for
today. Take care of it while I ______________ (9have) a nap, but ___________________ (10not /
touch) it until later.
While the lion ______________ (11sleep), the fox _________________ (12feel) hungry, so he
________________ (13take out) the donkey’s brains and ________________ (14eat) them.
When the lion _______________ (15wake up) and noticed that the donkey ________________
(16not / have) any brains, he _______________ (17ask) the fox, ”What _________________ (18you
/ do) with the brains? ___________________ (19you / eat) them?”
”Who, me?” __________________(20ask) the fox. ”Do you believe that if donkeys had any
brains they would trust you?”

II. Choose the right word: (1 point x10 = 10 points)

It was 5.30 on Thursday afternoon and it was raining heavily. Donald Bailey was
driving (1) ........... a quiet country road on his way home from work. It was his daughter’s
birthday and Donald (2) .............. to get home in time to see her (3) ............. out the candles
on her cake. The party (4) ............. to start at 6 o’clock so Donald started to drive a little
faster. The road was wet and (5) .............. . Suddenly, he saw a man on a bicycle in front of
him. He turned the wheel quickly to (6) ............. him. Seconds later he crashed into a tree
hitting his head on the (7) .......... . Everything went black. Later Donald woke up in hospital.
His family were there, by his bed. There was a cake on a small table (8) ........... his bed and
some colourful balloons (9) .......... on the floor. “We decided to have the party here, Dad,’’
said his daughter. He smiled happily. Everyone was relieved that Donald (10) ............ a lucky
1. A by B along C in D on
2. A wanted B was wanting C want D wants
3. A blue B blew C blow D blown
4. A is going B goes C go D was going
5. A slippery B slinky C sliding D slightly
6. A await B avert C avow D avoid
7. A windmill B windpipe C windscreen D windbreak
8. A in B by C next D of
9. A scheduled B scented C scolded D scattered
10. A had had B had C has D was having

III. Fill in with the correct form of the words in capitals:(1 point x20 = 20 points)

1. Please, pay ___________, Rita, when I’m explaining what your homework is. ATTEND
2. I don’t know the ___________ to this problem. SOLVE
3. This food is really __________! DISGUST
4. Did you know Australia has he highest number of __________ species of snake? POISON
5. I am ___________ to peanuts so I have to be very careful what I eat. ALLERGY
6. His decisions showed a lot of . WISE
7. I paid my parents my________________ visit on Saturday. WEEK
8. The____________ was saved by a brave man. KING
9. This rich woman is famous for her___________________ GENEROUS
10. This pop singer has gained huge _____________ in Europe lately. POPULAR

IV.Write a 150 line composition starting with : 40points
When I saw my best friend running in the street that day, I knew that something unusual had



I. Choose the correct answer written in bold.


1.Florence thinks she will become/is going to become/becomes a doctor when she finishes medical
2. Lisa painted/was painting/paints the house when her husband came home
3. I wish my flat was/had been/were big enough for me to have a party.
4. Liz is tired. She has cleaned/has been cleaning/is cleaning the window all morning.
5. She shall/mustn’t/might visit us on Sunday if she has time.
6. If you hadn’t left/didn’t leave/don’t leave in such a hurry, you wouldn’t have forgotten the file.
7. That’s the man where/whose/who son is a famous actor.
8. You must/needn’t/could wear a coat. It is very warm outside.
9. Does someone/anywhere/anyone know where Peter is?
10. We would go/will go/would have gone to the cinema if we had some free time.

II. Correct the mistakes. Rewrite the correct sentences (grammar, spelling, extra/missing words,
word order). (1px8=8p)

1.Your homework must finished by Monday.
2. He asked me where was the post office.
3. She never goes anywhere alone, doesn’t she?
4. The children had already layd the table by the time the guests arrived.
5. I am at school since 9 o’clock.
6. The woman who she lives next door is a flight attendant.
7. Unless we was ill, we would come to the party tonight.
8. The reason when I was late was that I overslept..

III.Complete each sentence with one of the words from the list. Use each word once only.
(1p x7=7p)

blow, break, cut, plug, ring, run, wear
1 I’m sorry I can’t talk now, but I’ll ……… back in half an hour.
2 The police think that a car bomb was used to ………up the building.
3 These tyres are strong, and won’t ………out for ages.
4 Jane’s old car used to …….down all the time.
5 You can ……..in the computer to the socket by the window.
6 If you don’t pay the electricity bill they will …….you off.
7 If you leave the radio on all the night the battery will ………out.

SUBIECTUL II (Reading comprehension) (25 POINTS)
Read the text:

Read the descriptions of four places in a town:

1.This is an interesting place to visit because you can find out how people lived years ago. If
you have time, it is well worth spending a whole afternoon here. One of the most fascinating
rooms is the fashion room where you can see clothes from the 18th century to the present day.
As well as beautiful clothes worn by the richest people, you can see the ordinary clothes worn
by the servants and poorer people. Despite what many people say, an afternoon spent here is
very interesting.
2.This is by far the most exciting place in the town because there are over fifty rides and lots of
amusements. Some of the rides are too dangerous for younger children and you have to be over
fourteen years old to go on those rides. My favourite goes through water then into a dark
tunnel and finally climbs high into the air. My mother thinks this ride is dreadful and she won’t
go on it but as far as I’m concerned, it’s superb.
3. We go here when we have something special to celebrate like a birthday or passing an
examination. They serve delicious Chinese food. We always eat with chopsticks. I’m quite
good at holding chopsticks but my sister isn’t and she usually finishes by using a spoon and
fork. They play quiet oriental music in the background and it’s very relaxing to eat there.
4.This is the newest building in the town and it’s in the very centre. Up until last year, the bus
station was there. Now that the bus station has gone, we have somewhere to go swimming,
play football, squash, basketball, volleyball and lots of other games. There are also some
restaurants, shops and a cinema in the same building. It opened last week and some of my
friends have been. They say it’s fantastic. I haven’t been yet, but I’m looking forward to going
next Saturday. I want to go swimming, have a meal and then go to the cinema.

a) Which four buildings are described? (2,5 p x4=10p)

1. a park…… 5. a station…….
2. a restaurant…… 6. a school……..
3. a leisure complex…… 7. an amusement park…….
4. a museum……

b) Answer the questions: (2,5 p x6=15p)

1. Does the writer think history is boring?.............................................
2. Can all children go to the rides?.........................................................
3. Can the writer use chopsticks?...........................................................
4. Has the writer got a sister?.................................................................
5. Has the writer been to building number 4?..........................................
6. Does the writer like swimming?.........................................................


Your name is Thomas and your new English penfriend Kathy has just sent you a letter in which she is
talking about her favourite actress/actor; in 150-180 words do the same. Who is that actress/actor?
When did you discover her/him? How does she/he look like? Describe her/his personality. What
makes her/him so special for you? Why would you recommend her/him?

NOTA: Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Nu se acordă puncte din oficiu.
Timp de lucru: 90 de minute


    SUBIECTUL I (10 items x 1.5p = 15p)
    Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.
    1. C famous
    2. A world
    3. C when
    4. C doctors
    5. A made
    6. D Now
    7. C invited
    8. C receive
    9. B earned
    10. C but
    SUBIECTUL II (10 items x 1.5p = 15p)
    Complete this postcard. Write ONE word for each space.

    Some hotels have hundreds of rooms, some have just a 1) few . You might think small hotels are friendlier, but making guests feel welcome isn’t a question of size 2) but of attitude. Guests can 3) can made to feel at home in a 900-room hotel with a swimming 4) pool and half a dozen restaurants, and unwelcome in a hotel with a few bedrooms and just a small breakfast room. It all depends 5) on the employees, from receptionists 6) to cleaners and managers.
    Many people start working 7) in hotels to meet people, or to provide a good service. My own reason for working at a hotel 8) is less interesting: I left university, my parents 9) had moved abroad, and I had to 10) get a job with accommodation.

    SUBIECTUL III (15 items x 1p = 15p)
    Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
    Carolyn is my best friend. I remember very well the first time we 1)met (meet). It was our first day at secondary school, and we 2) sat (sit) next to each other for the first lesson. We 3) didn’t know (not/know) any other students in our class, and so, we 4) became (become) friends. We found that we 5) liked (like) the same things, especially music and sport, and so we 6) spent (spend) a lot of time together.
    We 7) left (leave) school five years ago, but we 8) meet (meet) as often as we can. For the last six months Carolyn 9)has been (be) in Mexico. At the moment, she 10) is working (work) in a school as a teaching assistant. She 11) is coming (come) back to England next month, and when she 12) comes (come) back, we 13) will have (have) lots of things 14) to talk (talk) about. It 15) will be (be) really nice to see her again.

    SUBIECTUL IV (10 items x 1.5p = 15p)
    Use the words in bold to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

    1) After two years of friendship , Kate got to know David really well. (friend)
    2) If you don’t speak the language you feel more like a foreigner . (foreign)
    3) Don’t forget to turn off the cooker before you leave. (cook)
    4) They didn’t give Harry the job as he was unexperienced. (experience)
    5) The most useful invention of the past few decades must be the clockwork radio. (invent)
    6) Smoking too much is harmful to your health. (harm)
    7) I am going to be a contestant in a TV quiz show. (contest)
    8) I have a preference for pop music over rock. (prefer)
    9) Luke came in first in the song competition . (compete)
    10) We should always take other people’s feeling into consideration . (considerate)

    SUBIECTUL V (10 items x 1.5p = 15p)
    Read the text and choose the correct answer: true (T) or false (F).
    1. The River Wensum flows through the entire East Anglia. F
    2. People have lived by the River Wensum for at least 2,000 years. T
    3. In the 11th century Norwich was a small village. F
    4. Norwich has been a city since its first cathedral was built. F
    5. Norwich has always been one of the smallest English cities. F
    6. There are more churches today in Norwich than there were in the past. T
    7. The number of students in Norwich is increasing. T
    8. The Castle Mall took more than two years to build. T
    9. Norwich people still like shopping at the old market. T
    10. The city park surrounds the Mall. T - Ariana

    1. Guests can 3) be made. working 7) at hotels to meet people, ..9) have moved abroad...

  2. SUBIECTUL VI (25p)
    Write a 150-word story beginning with the following sentence:
    “I was visiting a town for the first time when someone called out my name.”

    I was visiting a town for the first time when someone called out my name. I knew exactly who that was, it was Erebus, the god of darkness and he found me again. I have been running away from him since 1714.
    Let me explain, I am Thana, and I am immortal but remembered by none. I was 16 when my parents had decided to marry me to a boy from my small village in France. So, I had ran away on my wedding night, but I had gotten lost in the woods and there I had met Erebus. He knew why I had been hiding, so he had made me an offer: to give him my soul and not to suffer anymore. But I had tricked him, telling him I'd give it to him when I was ready.
    Now, 300 or so years later, I was still here. Sometimes, I wanted to give up, but then I met Erik and he was the first person to remember me. How? He also did a deal with Erebus, wanting to be pleasing in the eyes of everyone for one year. Since then, we ran together from him, but he found us, and we were in big trouble. He came closer to us and said:
    -I don’t want to play your little games anymore, my dear Thana! If you love him, you will give me what I want, and I will let him live a normal life without the deal. But I will have to steal all his memories of you.
    I loved Erik with all my heart, and I wanted what was the best for him, so I said yes. I thought that Erebus would take my soul, but he had other plans. He wanted to make me his wife and live with him forever and I had no other choice. But one day I would find my way out and return to my other half, Erik.- Ariana

    I. 1. C famous
    2. A world
    3. C when
    4. C doctors
    5. A made
    6. D Now
    7. C invited
    8. C receive
    9. B earned
    10. C but

    II. 1. few

    III. Carolyn is my best friend. I remember very well the first time we 1)met. It was our first day at secondary school, and we 2) sat next to each other for the first lesson. We 3) didn’t know any other students in our class, and so, we 4) became friends. We found that we 5) liked the same things, especially music and sport, and so we 6) spent a lot of time together.
    We 7) left school five years ago, but we 8) meet as often as we can. For the last six months Carolyn 9)has been in Mexico. At the moment, she 10) is working in a school as a teaching assistant. She 11) is coming back to England next month, and when she 12) comes back, we 13) will have lots of things 14) to talk about. It 15) will be really nice to see her again.

    IV.1. friendship
    10. consideration

    V. 1. F

    VI. I was visiting a town for the first time when someone called out my name.
    Everything started with my 16-years-old self, who was kind of forced to move into a new house somewhere in Boston.
    After my parents divorced, my mother took me with her and did everything she could to keep me away from my dad, even thought I never understood why she did that.
    Back to the story, my mom bought a small house for us two. It was nice decorated and the neighbours were also nice, but I just missed my old house, my dad and my friends. This is exactly why, after we finished moving in, I have got into a really big fight with her. After we were kind of done, I took my phone, my wallet and a hoodie because it was a little bit windy, hoping that if I go out for a walk and visit this new town I will forget about the argument I had with my mom.
    I left the house and started walking, heading to the central park. On my way, I stopped by an ice cream stand and I felt like I needed something sweet to cheer myself up, so I pulled out two 1-dollar bills from my wallet and ordered a vanilla flavoured ice cream. After I paid for it, I took it and walked away. Not even three seconds later, I heard someone calling my name. It was a tall blonde girl with blue eyes and she was holding my ID card. I must have dropped it at the ice cream stand. She handed it back to me and I thanked her thousand of times for it. I was about to leave when I heard her saying:
    -By the way, my name is Jules. I know you might think that I am some random akward girl but I have never seen you around before and I just moved here one month ago and I thought that we could maybe be friends?
    -You seem like a nice person, Jules. I responded her, with a smile on my face.
    Little did I knew that this was going to be the way I met my best friend. -Nety

    1. VI. ...nicely decorated ..This is exactly why, after we had finished moving in, I got into a really big fight with her....went out for a walk and visit this new town I would forget about the argument I had had with my mom.

    2. Grammar all right except subject IV at 4 - unexperienced
