Sunday 3 May 2020

5th May ; Out and about ; Grammar 6 b

Manual digital :

Rezolvati ex 1/ 94 - aveti varianta digitala , cu feedback 

Va amintesc ca daca dorim sa spunem ca doua obiecte au o calitate in aceeasi masura folosim "as + adjectiv + as "
Ex : Cadoul meu este la fel de frumos precum al tau.
My present is as pretty as your present .
Casa lui  nu este la fel de scumpa precum casa noastra.
His house is not as expensive as our house . 


Ca si comentariu la acest post rezolvati sarcina ; 

ex 3 a/ 95 - de postat pana marti, 4.05 , ora  10 pm .

Cand spunem ' very hot ' inseamna ' foarte cald '
Cand spunem ' too hot '  inseamna ' prea cald ' - mai mult decat confortabil. Este necesar in acest context sa precizam ce anume nu se poate desfasura din cauza acestor conditii :
I cannot go out . It is too hot .
It's impossible to eat this soup. It is too hot . 

Rezolvati 5/ 95


  1. Homework
    a)2.In my opinion,car is more comfortable than a bus.
    3.In my opinion,basketball is more exciting than fotball.
    4.In my opinion,snow is worse than rain.
    5.In my opinion,beaches are more beautiful than mountains.
    6.In my opinion,pizza is tastier than burgers.
    -Sin Ariana

  2. 3/95


    In my opinion,car is more comfortable than bus.


    In my opinion,basketball is more exciting than football.


    In my opinion,rain is worse than snow.


    In my opinion,mountains is more beautiful than beaches.


    In my opinion,pizza is tastier than burgers.

    1. In my opinion, A car is more comfortable than A bus.
      In my opinion,mountains ARE more beautiful than beaches.

      Name ?

  3. Simion Antonio5 May 2020 at 16:03

    1.Winter isn't as good as summer.
    2.In my opinion,bus is more confortable than car.
    3.In my opinion,basketball is more exciting than football.
    4.In my opinion,snow is bader than rain.
    5.In my opinion,mountains are more beautiful than beaches.
    6.In my opinion,pizza is tastyer than burger.
    classdojo name :Antonio

    1. In my opinion, A bus is more comfortable than A car.
      .In my opinion,snow is WORSE than rain.
      .In my opinion,pizza is tastIer than burgerS

  4. Frailich Ioana

    Ex1/94 Complete the sentences with the adjective in the comparative from.Write in your notebook.

    1 London is as expensive as than Bath.
    2 London is as noisy as than Bath.
    3 Bath is as small as than London.
    4 London is as crowded as than Bath.
    5 Bath is as quiet than London.
    6 Bath is as green as than London.

    3/95 a) Write sentences , as in the axample in your notebook .

    1 good-summer//winter
    In my opinion summer is batter than winter./Winter isn't as good as summer.
    2 comfortable-bus/car
    In my pinion, bus is as confortable as car.
    3 exciting-football/basketball
    In my oponion, basketball is better than football./Football isn't as exciting as basketball
    4 bad-snow/rain
    In my opinion, rain is better than snow./Rain isn't as bed as snow.
    5 beautiful-beaches/mountains
    In my opinion, beaches is asbeautiful as mountains.
    6 tasty-pizza/burgers
    In my opinion, pizza is as tasty as burgers.

    Ex5/95 Fill in :too or very. Write in your notebook.

    1 A: Let's go swiming.
    B: We can't. It's too cold.

    2 A: Was your plante ticket expensive?
    B: No,it was very cheap.

    3 A: How interesing was the city tour?
    B: It was very interesing.

    4 A: Do you want to come shopping with me?
    B: No thanks.I'm very tired.

    5. A: Did you stay in a nice hotel?
    B: Yes,it was very beautiful.

    1. 1 London is MORE expensive than Bath.
      2 London is NOISIER than Bath.
      3 Bath is SMALLER than London.
      4 London is MORE crowded than Bath.
      5 Bath is quietER than London.
      6 Bath is GREENER than London.

      In my opinion summer is bEtter than winter.
      2 comfortable-bus/car
      In my pinion, A bus is as coMfortable as A car.
      3 exciting-football/basketball
      In my opInion, basketball is better than football./Football isn't as exciting as basketball
      4 bad-snow/rain
      In my opinion, rain is better than snow./Rain isn't as bAd as snow.
      5 beautiful-beaches/mountains
      In my opinion, beaches is as beautiful as mountains.

  5. In my opinion,bus is better than car.Car isn't as good as summer.
    In my opinion,fotball is better than basketball.Basketball isn't as good as fotball.
    In my opinion,snow is better than rain. Rain isn't as good as snow.
    In my opinion,beaches is better than mountains.Mountains isn't as good as beaches.
    In my opinion,pizza is better than burgers.Burgers isn't as good as burgers.

    1. In my opinion, A bus is better than A car. A Car isn't as good as ???summer.
      In my opinion,foOtball is better than basketball.Basketball isn't as good as foOtball.
      In my opinion,snow is better than rain. Rain isn't as good as snow.
      In my opinion,beaches ARE better than mountains.Mountains AREN'T as good as beaches.
      In my opinion,pizza is better than burgers.Burgers AREN'T as good as burgers.
