Monday 11 May 2020

13th May - Prepositions of movement / place - Out and about ' Live on Teams

Quickly page 98 ex 2 , 99 ex 5 .

The first exercise is going to use your knowledge about prepositions and past tense ( consolidation )

Homework from :

You have to write down and post  it as a comment under this post one of the exercises on the above page until Friday . , 15th May , at noon . 


  1. 6. Corect the mistakes:
    1.The helicopter flew along the mountains.
    The elicopter flew OVER the mountains.

    2.The book fell out of the shelf.
    The book fell FROM the shelf.

    3.The dog jumped under the box.
    The dog jumped INTO the box.

    4.Tim can swim over the river.
    Tim can swim ACROSS the river.

    5.Liz went into the park.

    6.Turn along the corner.
    Turn ROUND the corner.

    7.The girls went in the cinema.
    The girls went TO the cinema.
