Sunday, 17 May 2020

10th June; Live on Teams ; Final Revision

Manual digital :

We are going to finish Robin Hood episodes .

9th June ; Final Revision

Manual digital :

Rezolvati , scrieti pe caiete si postati in portofoliu pagina 130.

3rd June ; Final Revision ; Live on Teams

Manual digital

Lucram impreuna  de la pagina 126 pana la 129

2nd June ; Reading

Manual digital :

Paginile 109 si 110 , cititi , ascultati si rezolvati exercitiile.

Scrieti pe caiete ex de la pag 127, poza si postati pe Class Dojo , in portofoliu.

27th May , Live on Teams ; Listening , reading - Robin Hood

Manual digital :

Page 112 to ...we'll see

26th May ; Reading

Manual digital

Nu retin care dintre texte s-au lucrat , deci , de la pagina 106 cititi si asculatati textul rezolvati ex 2 - este interactiv, cu feedback.
Apoi , de la 107 , ascultati textul si rezolvati ex 1 .
La fel de la pag 108 si rezolvati inclusiv 2.

20th May ; Live on Teams ; Fun Time; Revision 6

Manual digital

Role play ex 1 page 102
ex 2/ 102 Page 103
Monstertrackers - 104, 105

19th May ; Every day English 6 e; Across Cultures 6 f

Manual digital :

 La pagina 100 asculatati si repetati ex 1 a si b .
Ex 2 de la aceeasi pagina va cere sa gasiti in dialogul de mai sus expresii echivalente .
Ex 3 se scrie pe caiet , completand tichetul cu informatiile din dialog .

De la pagina 101 asculati de cel putin doua ori textul ( aveti si video ) si cititi-l si voi .
Apoi faceti ex 2 .

New vocabulary :

to lie - lay - lain = a se intinde
wonder - minune
to wonder- a se minuna
freshwater- apa ' dulce '

Monday, 11 May 2020

13th May - Prepositions of movement / place - Out and about ' Live on Teams

Quickly page 98 ex 2 , 99 ex 5 .

The first exercise is going to use your knowledge about prepositions and past tense ( consolidation )

Homework from :

You have to write down and post  it as a comment under this post one of the exercises on the above page until Friday . , 15th May , at noon . 

12th May ; Out and about - Vocabulary, Listening and Reading 6C

Manual digital :

Pagina 96 urmariti video  de cel putin 2 ori, cititi textul si rezolvati ex 2 a .
Pag 97 ex 5 - asculati de cel putin 2 ori si alegeti varianta corecta de raspuns.

Notati si invatati  prepozitiile de la pag 98 ex 1 :

into - in interior
over - peste
past - pe langa
up-in sus
down-in jos
towards - catre
across- de pe o parte pe cealalta
along - de-a lungul si cele de la pag 99 :
next to - chair langa
under- dedesubt
behind-in spate
in front of - in fata
between - intre
above- deasupra
opposite- vis-a-vis

Sunday, 3 May 2020

6th May ; Live Microsoft Teams ; Out and about

Worksheets :

Your task is to understand and write down forms of comparatives that you hear in these songs .
Let's listen together to  :

comparatives from Luiz Otávio Barros on Vimeo.
Pause and ponder :

The superlative :

Adjective scurte : the biggest    - cel mai mare
Adjective lungi : the most interesting - cel mai interesant
Adjective neregulate :

good -better - the best
bad/ ill- worse-the worst
many/ much - more -the most
little - less- the least
far-farther - the farthest

For the next class you have to solve :

5th May ; Out and about ; Grammar 6 b

Manual digital :

Rezolvati ex 1/ 94 - aveti varianta digitala , cu feedback 

Va amintesc ca daca dorim sa spunem ca doua obiecte au o calitate in aceeasi masura folosim "as + adjectiv + as "
Ex : Cadoul meu este la fel de frumos precum al tau.
My present is as pretty as your present .
Casa lui  nu este la fel de scumpa precum casa noastra.
His house is not as expensive as our house . 


Ca si comentariu la acest post rezolvati sarcina ; 

ex 3 a/ 95 - de postat pana marti, 4.05 , ora  10 pm .

Cand spunem ' very hot ' inseamna ' foarte cald '
Cand spunem ' too hot '  inseamna ' prea cald ' - mai mult decat confortabil. Este necesar in acest context sa precizam ce anume nu se poate desfasura din cauza acestor conditii :
I cannot go out . It is too hot .
It's impossible to eat this soup. It is too hot . 

Rezolvati 5/ 95