Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Week 20 ; 31st January -4th February


Objective : phrasal verbs with ' come ' 

ex 2/ 60 

1. Bill Gates and a German company want to make our houses smart.

2.The house owner's information is in a(n) pin.

3.Mini computers and sensors change the settings and the brightness.

4.The sensors track the signal from the pin.

5.Smart homes will help reduce the energy we use in our houses.

attic = mansarda / pod 

cushion = pernuta decor 

pillow = perna 

sink = chiuveta din bucatarie 

washbasin = chiuveta din baie 

 to sink - sank - sunk = a (se) scufunda 

hub = punct central 

available = disponibil 

dwelling = asezare 

to dwell-dwelt -dwelt = a locui 

dweller = locuitor 


Objective : phrasal verbs with ' come ' 


to come up with = a veni cu o idee 

The teacher has come up with a new idea about the etwinning project.

to come across = a descoperi ( din intamplare ) 

Did the children come across the hidden path in the forest ? 

to come out = a aparea / a deveni clar / a iesi (pata )

stain = pata 

Has the stain from your blue jeans come out ? No, it hasn't. 

to come down with = a cadea la pat bolnav 

Has Andreea come down with the flu ? I haven't seen her today.

to come off = a avea succes in .../ a se desface / a se desfasura 

After six years of  univeristy studies he came off as a doctor. 

ex 5/ 61 

to be going to =  a urma sa / a intentiona sa ...


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