Wednesday, 23 February 2022

Week 24; 28th February - 4th March

 1st March 2022

chilly, wet 



Objective : - types of programmes / reading 

Page 74 

soap opera = telenovela / serie cu multe sezoane 

sitcom = situation + comedy = comedie sub forma de episoade


2nd March 2022 

wet , chilly



Objective : - reading + phrasal verbs with ' keep ' 

Page 76 

Ex 2 Write theree examples of prolems caused by electronic media 

Phrasals with keep 

to keep somebody from = a impiedica pe cineva sa ...

to keep somebody in = a tine pe cineva inauntru 

to keep on = a continua 

to keep somebody out = a tine pe cineva afara / in afara 

to keep up with = a tine pasul cu .../ a fi informat 

Ex 6 


Class Dojo - e-mail page 7 / 77 

Friday, 18 February 2022

Week 23 ; 21st-25th February

 22nd February 2022

cloudy, chilly



Objective - reading comprehension 

ex 2/ 69

1. In the USA console games are less popular than computer games.

2. Americans like games with lots of action.

3. In the UK most teens play console games.

4. The top types of games in the UK are puzzle and quiz games.

1/ 71 

1.A garden has got flowers, trees and a fence.

2.A kitchen has got chairs, a fridge and a cooker.

3.A bathroom has got a bath, a toilet and a washbasin.

4.A living room has got armchairs, a TV and a sofa.

5.A house has got walls, a roof, doors and windows.


1. It's very easy to connect to the Internet.

2. To open a file on the computer, you must click on it.

3. You should always save your documents on an external drive as a back up.

4. You should update your software so your computer can work faster.

5. Jack is going to stream the football match on his smartphone.


1. Stop pressing all the buttons! You will break the printer!

2. You need to hurry up! The train leaves at 10 am.

3. In the future, are all the students going to have laptops in the class instead of books?

4.Did you lose your flash drive? Here- I will lend you mine.

5. Dave is not coming to the party tonight.

23rd February 2022

cloudy, chilly 



Objective - reading/ listening  comprehension 


A: What are you doing Ben?

B: I`m trying to upload a photo on my social media. Could you help me?

A: Sure. First, go to your social media account.

B: Ok. Then what?

A: Go on your profile and click on the box that says` upload photo/video. Then a window should pop up.

B: Got it! What`s next?

A: Now select the photo you want and click `open`.

B: Is that all?

A:  Almost. You can add text if you want and then click on `done`.

B: Thanks, Chris.


After listening ask 2 questions about the material

Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Week 22; 14th-18th February



Objective : listening / speaking / modal verbs 

ex 4/ 65 

ex 5 / 65 - listening 

This person ...

A. uses the Internet mostly to do homework.

B. doesn't think he/ she needs help-Hannah 

C. was addicted to text messaging . - Judith

D. reconnected with old friends on the Internet - Rupert 

E. doesn't like chatting online .-Samuel 

F . thinks he/ she is a typical teenager . -Jenna

Speaking - ex 6/ 65 


16th February 2022

sunny, cool 



Objective : modal verbs 

must / have to/ need to = trebuie  , e necesar 

must = e datoria mea sa ...

have to = e obligatoriu datorita unei reguli 

mustn't = e interzis 

can't = nu iti este permis sa ...

don't have to = nu e necesar sa ...

should = ar trebui 

ex 2/ 66 

ex 3/ 66 

1. It's prohibited to eat in the computer lab .

You mustn't eat in the computer lab. 

2. I advise you to buy a new printer . 

You should buy a new printer.

3. It's not necessary to go to the supermarket . 

You don't have to go to the supermarket.

4. It's the rule to wear gloves in the science lab . 

You have to wear gloves in the lab.

ex 5 / 67 

George could use a smartphone when he was four.

May I have some juice, please?

They say it might rain later.

Could I borrow your laptop, sir?

Max can swim very fast.

ex 6 / 67 

page 68 ex 2 

Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Week 21; 7th-11th February



Objective - ways of expressing future 

ex 5/ 61 

to be going to =  a urma sa / a intentiona sa ...

- future predictions on what we see 

Ex ; Pay attention with that glass ! It is going to fall down the table ! 

-future plans and intentions 

Ex. Next month we are going to wander around woods. Spring is almost here ! 

page 62 ex 2

1. Cathy is going to take a lot of photos on her trip to Bucharest.

2. Are the Millers going to buy a new satnav next month?

3. Megan and Helen aren't going to stay at a hotel.

4. Mr and Mrs Smith are going to go to the mall tomorrow.

5. Peter isn't going to write his essay on the computer.

page 62 ex 3 

1 This Friday ,Harry is  flying to Melboure.His plane leaves at 3:00 pm.

2 Mary and Gina are going to the cinema this Saturday evening.  They are meeting outside the cinema at 7:30pm.

3 Ron and  Brian are visiting Constanta this  Saturday. The bus arrives there at 6:20pm.

Simple future - will + V 1

- on-the -spot decisions 

-predictions based on what we think , using : think/ believe/ hope/ expect / be sure / be afraid 

-promises, warnings, hopes and offers 

page 63 ex 5

9th February 2022 

sunny, chilly



Objective - reading / listening comprehension 

page 63 ex 6 

1. I think technology will solve a lot of problems in the future.

Maybe, but I believe it will create lots of new ones, too.

2. Are you going shopping this afternoon?

Yes. John is picking me up at 5:00. we talked earlier.

3.What are your plans after you finish school?

We are going to spend a week in Malibu.

4.Do you want to listen to the weather report?

There's no need. Look at the sky!It is going to be a lovely day.

5. What time does the factory open tomorrow?

At 9 o'clock, but I am going to arrive there earlier. I want to make a good impression on my first day!

page 64 

square-eyed = cu ochi in forma de ecran 

ex 3 / 64

1. How do you define someone as a screenager ? 

A screenager is a teenager who's always using technology.

2. How does a teenager use their gadgets ?

A teenager uses their gadgets for communication online,  listening to music, recording videos, watching films, series and so on.

3. Why might boot camps become common in the future ? 

Boot camps might become common in the future because teenagers are more and more involved in digital activities and their both physical and mental health are in danger.

Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Week 20 ; 31st January -4th February


Objective : phrasal verbs with ' come ' 

ex 2/ 60 

1. Bill Gates and a German company want to make our houses smart.

2.The house owner's information is in a(n) pin.

3.Mini computers and sensors change the settings and the brightness.

4.The sensors track the signal from the pin.

5.Smart homes will help reduce the energy we use in our houses.

attic = mansarda / pod 

cushion = pernuta decor 

pillow = perna 

sink = chiuveta din bucatarie 

washbasin = chiuveta din baie 

 to sink - sank - sunk = a (se) scufunda 

hub = punct central 

available = disponibil 

dwelling = asezare 

to dwell-dwelt -dwelt = a locui 

dweller = locuitor 


Objective : phrasal verbs with ' come '

to come up with = a veni cu o idee 

The teacher has come up with a new idea about the etwinning project.

to come across = a descoperi ( din intamplare ) 

Did the children come across the hidden path in the forest ? 

to come out = a aparea / a deveni clar / a iesi (pata )

stain = pata 

Has the stain from your blue jeans come out ? No, it hasn't. 

to come down with = a cadea la pat bolnav 

Has Andreea come down with the flu ? I haven't seen her today.

to come off = a avea succes in .../ a se desface / a se desfasura 

After six years of  univeristy studies he came off as a doctor. 

ex 5/ 61 

to be going to =  a urma sa / a intentiona sa ...$_vt527269py