Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Week 6; 18th - 22nd October


Objective : present simple versus present continuous 

Non-continuous verbs are verbs that we do not normally use with continuous tenses. These "stative" verbs are about state, not action, and they cannot express the continuous or progressive aspect. Here are some of the most common non-continuous verbs:

  • feelinghate, like, love, prefer, want, wish
  • sensesappear, feel, hear, see, seem, smell, sound, taste
  • communicationagree, deny, disagree, mean, promise, satisfy, surprise
  • thinkingbelieve, imagine, know, mean, realize, recognize, remember, understand
  • other statesbe, belong, concern, depend, involve, matter, need, owe, own, possess, have got 

Look at these example sentences, right and wrong:

want a coffee.not I am wanting a coffee.
don't believe you are right.not I am not believing you are right.
Does this pen belong to you?not Is this pen belonging to you?
It seemed wrong.not It was seeming wrong.
don't hear anything.not I am not hearing anything.

Notice that we often use can + see/hear:

  • can see someone in the distance. not I am seeing someone in the distance.
  • can't hear you very well. not I am not hearing you very well.

Source : https://www.englishclub.com/grammar/verbs-continuous-meaning.htm

👀Page 19 

ex 7 

1. are having 

2. isn't 

3. are enjoying 

4. are dancing 

5. are playing 

6. is taking 

7. want 

8. is 

9. loves 

10 . doesn't want 

11. are going 

12 . sleeps 

13. are coming 

14. are having fun 

You are always messing around in the living room !  ( complaint)

They are always making a lot of noise during our classes. 

She is always watching TV in my room and she is never adjusting the volume . 

Objective - reading / listening comprehension 

                - past simple versus past continuous 

page 20 

celebrity double = sosie 

to swing - swang - swung = a ( se) legana 

 swing = leagan 

priceless= de nepretuit 

page 21 

Past Simple

Past Continuous

-          Actiuni terminate in trecut sau obiceiuri din trecut

-          Act in desfasurare intr-un anume moment din trecut

-          Yesterday ;  last  week/ Thursday; three days ago

-          At this time yesterday ; at one o’clock two days ago


S + V2



S (I, he,she,it) + was + V+ing

S (you, we , they )  + were + V+ing


S + did not + V1


S (I, he,she,it) + wasn’t  + V+ing

S (you, we , they )  + weren’t + V+ing


Did + S + V1 ?


Was + S (I,he,she,it)+ V-ing ?

Were + S (we, you , they) + V+ing?


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