Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Week 16; 22nd- 25th June


22nd June 


Objective ; consolidation 

Page 119 

Ex. 7 

1. We must be here on time because we want to  leave early . 

2 . Can you ride a motorbike ? 

3. I don't write e-mails. Neither do I. 

4. May I see Mr. Roger, sir ? 

5. You mustn't eat too many sweets. It is not healthy at all. 

6 . I prefer sending text messages. So do I. 

7. You mustn't tell lies to your parents. It is not right . 

ex 8 

1. Jim left yesterday , didn't he ? 

2. You can play tennis, can't you ? 

3. She is at school now, isn't she ? 

4. He had breakfast , didn't he ?

5. That's my camera, isn't it ?

6. This is your bag , isn't it ? 

ex 9 

1. The train leaves at 4 o'clock . 

2. Look at the sky. It is going to be a great day ! 

3. Now that I have all that I need I am going to make an apple pie. 

4. John is flying at 10.30 tomorrow morning. 

5 . I won't meet Jane for dinner after work because she is not in town . 

Plans for the summer holiday 

Nety is visiting her grandma and is having a seaside holiday but she isn't going around her friends' houses. 

Eduard is going to play basketball five times a week but he isn't going to visit his dad. 

Alexia is hanging out with her friends but she is not going to have a holiday in the mountains. 

ex 11

1. Peter is working late tonight . 

2. Did Mary go to the bank yesterday ? 

3. Are you going to travel abroad this summer ? 

4.The bus departs at 9.30 tonight . 

5. Mary isn't making dinner now. 

6. Were you at home yesterday evening ? 

7 . Did you have a nice time at the party ? 


23rd June 


Objective ; consolidation 

American vs British 


Week 15 ; 14th -18th June

 CLASS 1 ; 15th June 


Objective ; consolidation 

Page 110 

Listen, read , solve ex 2 

T / F 

Correct the false statements 

1. Only three countries celebrate Grandparents' Day .

2. Canadians celebrate Grandparents' Day in September .

3. It's popular for children to make gifts for their grandparents . 

4. People always have a party on Grandparents' Day . 

5. Grandparents' Day is similar to Mother's Day. 

Page 11 

Watch the video, listen and read the text 

Ex 2 T / F 

Correct the false statements 

1. The man became poor after his wife's death. T 

2. The man left his cottage F

The man didn't leave his cottage, he moved from his house to a cottage.

3. The daughters hung their stockings up because they were wet . T

4. Saint Nicholas came to the man's house in a carriage . DS

5. The man found the gold in his daughters' stockings . F

The man together with his daughters found the gold.


Page 117


16th June 


Objective ; consolidation 

Page 112 

Watch the video, listen and read the text 

Complete the sentences : 

1. The Scots clean their houses before the New Year starts so that the next year to be lucky.

2. Some Scots read the ashes to learn what the New Year would bring.

3. To have a lucky year the  first visitor after midnight should be a black-haired man.

4. The first visitor should bring a gift.

Page 113 

Watch the video, listen and read the text 

T/ F 

Correct the false ones

1. Valentine's Day celebrates friendship.

2. Some people buy rings or clothes as  a gift. 

3. Cupid makes people fall in love with each other when he points at them .

4. Cupid's mother is Venus. 

5. People give red roses on Valentine's Day to say " I love you ". 


Page 118

Week 14 ; 7th - 11th June


8th June 


Objective : present simple vs continuous 

ex 7 / 99 
ex 8 / 99

to attend (ed) = a participa/ a frecventa 

I attend Gymnasial School ' A.M.V '. 

I am going to attend a play / theatre performance .

abroad = peste granita / in strainatate 

to put ourselves at risk = a te pune in pericol 

Page 100 listen /  read and solve ex 3 

to pet = to stroke = a mangaia 

overalls = salopeta de protectie 

wellington boots = rubber boots 

footwear = incaltaminte 


Page 116 


9th June 


Objective : consolidation tenses

Page 101 listen and complete



Hours: Thursday.-Sunday 9 am -2 pm 


Age of candidates : 14-18 


feed and bathe animals 

write reports on animals' health and feeding habits




Deadline for applications : 22nd May

to roast = a gati la cuptor 

to bruise (ed) = a invineti 

Page 102 

Present Simple- future events in timetables/ schedules 

Present Continuous - personal future plans 

ex 2

1.Is Mina having a ballet lesson on Saturday? No, she isn't.

2.Are Mina and Sue going to Helen's party on Thursday? No, they aren't. They are going to visit their aunt.

3.Is  Mina going to the supermarket on Tuesday?  Yes, she is.

4. Is Mina joining the clean-up at the local park on Sunday? Yes, she is.

5. Are Mina and her mum volunteering at an animal shelter on Friday? No, they aren't. They are shopping together.

ex 3

1.Mark takes part at the online game competition at 10 pm.

2.Steve is having computer classes at 3 pm. The classes finish at 5 pm.

3.Keith and Monica are meeting at the zoo at 6:30.

4.The documentary starts at 7:00 pm.

5.Mary is having dinner with Sandy at 7:15 pm.


Page 103 

ex 6

ex 7 

ex 8 

Page 105 watch the video , read the text and complete the sentences : 

1. The Baiji dolphin lives ...

2. Its length is ...

3. People in Madagascar think that the aye-aye lemur ...

4. The bridled nail-tailed wallaby is a ...

5. We can see the bridled nail-tailed wallaby in ...


Page 107

Week 13 ; 31st May-4th June



2nd June 2021

cool, wet



Objective : to be going to 

to be going to = a urma sa / a intentiona sa 
-future predictions based on what we can see 

-future intentions and plans 

Ex 2/ 98 

1. He is going to eat pizza.
2. She is going to paint the walls.
3. He is going to play basketball.
4. They are going to have breakfast.

ex 3/ 98 
1.This weekend John isn't going to play football.
2. Ann isn`t going to watch a film at the cinema.
3.Petra isn`t going to listen to music.
4.Anita and Simona aren`t going to chat to each other online.
5.Jane and her family aren`t going to go to the beach.

ex  5/ 99 

-A:Is Mihaela going to become a vet?
B:No, she isn't. She wants to become a doctor.

-Are you going to stay in Bucharest?
-No, we aren't.

-Are the children going to come to the animal shelter?
-Yes, they are.

-Is Tim going to study Environmental Studies in college?
-No, he isn't.

-Are you going to go swimming this weekend?
- Yes, we are. 

ex 6/ 99
-Is Andrei going to the library with Adrian on Monday?
-No,he isn't. He is going to watch a film with Mihai.

-Is Andrei going to play tennis with Alex on Wednesday?
-No, he isn't. He's going to have a Maths test.

-Is Andrei going to go shopping on Tuesday?
-Yes, he is.

-Is Andrei going to have a  Maths test on Friday?
-No, he isn't. He is going to play tennis with Alex.

-Is Andrei going to visit his grandparents on Saturday?
-No, he isn't. He is going to have a barbecue at his aunt's house.


ex 4 / 98  ( 8 sentences )