Monday 1 March 2021

Week 4; 1st-5th March

 CLASS 1 : 2nd March 


Objective : shops/ cities 

greengrocer's = stand de fructe si legume 

hairdresser's = frizerie 

hospital = spital 

butcher's= macelarie 

police station = sectie de politie 

library = biblioteca 

post office = posta

florist's = florarie

baker's = brutarie 

chemist's= farmacie = pharmacy 

fire station = statie de pompieri 

school = scoala

church = biserica 

park = parc 


gas station = benzinarie 


groceries = produse alimentare 

Places in town : 

1. You can borrow a book here. _L_ _I_ _B_ r a r _Y_

 2. You can buy groceries here. s _U_ _P_ e r _M_ _A_ r k e t 

3. You can buy medicine here. p h _A_ _R_ m _A_ _C_ y 

4. You can study here. _S_ _C_ h _O_ _O_ l 

5. You can see old things here. _M_ _U_ s _E_ u m 

6. You can see lots of animals here. z _O_ _O_

7. You can buy bread here. _B_ _A_ _K_ e r y 

8. You can keep your money here. b _A_ n _K_ 

9. You can see a doctor here. c l _I_ _N_ _I_ c

 10. You can exercise here. _G_ y __M 

11. You can eat here. r _E_ _S_ t a u _R_ A_ _N_ t 

12. You can buy a postage stamp here. p O__ _S_ t _O_ f f _I_ c _E_ 

13. You can get on a plane here. _A_ _I_ r p _O_ _R_ t 

14. You can buy a cat here. _P_ _E_ t s h _O_ _P_ 

15. You can play outside here. _P_ _A r k 

16. You can walk here. _P_ _A_ _V_ e _M_ e_N_ _T_

Page 66 

Read and complete ex 2 in writing 

trail = traseu 

picturesque = pitoresc 

cosy = intim 

The caves in the valley are picturesque. They deserve a visit !

The mountain cabin seems cosy enough to stop here . 


narrow # wide 

( ingust ) # ( lat ) 

The alley in front of my house is too narrow. We need a wider space for our car . 

CLASS 2 : 3rd March 


Objective : city life/ country life / connectors

however = oricum 

too= deasemenea


but = dar 

while = in timp ce ( timp )

whereas = in comparatie cu 

 Compare life in the city with life in the countryside :

In the city there are schools and universities but in the countryside there are only schools. 

In the city there are too many cars in the streets but in the countryside there aren't so many. 

In the city there is good public transport , but in the countryside there isn't like this. 

In the countryside it is quiet and calm most of the times. However, at the weekend the music is too loud and annoying . 

In the city there are shops and malls whereas in the countryside there are only a few shops. 

In the countryside there are friendly people and we can find them in the city, too

In the countryside there is clean air . However, in autumn or spring there is a lot of smoke in the air . 

Page 68 

ex 2

HM - ex 3, 4 page 77 on your Class Dojo portfolio until 7th March at noon 


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