Saturday, 27 March 2021

Week 8 ; 29th March - 2nd April

 CLASS 1 ; - 30th March 


Objective : - ways of communication / Internet safety rules 

 " Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee and  just as hard to sleep after ." 

Anne Morrow Lindbergh 

Page 81 

to use sign language = a folosi limbajul semnelor

deaf= surd

mute= mut 

to send a text message = a trimite mesaj text

to make a video call = a face un apel video

to send a letter= a trimite o scrisoare

to talk on my mobile = a vorbi la telefon

to send an e-mail= a trimite un e-mail

to talk face-to-face= a vorbi fata in fata 

to chat on social media = a vorbi pe retele de socializare 

How often do you use the above ways of communication ?

Bianca chats on social media a lot but she rarely talks on her mobile . 

Alexandru talks on his mobile every day , but he doesn't ever use the sign language . 

Iulia always makes video calls but she doesn't send letters. 

Alexandra sends a text message every single day but she doesn't make video calls. 

Ariana rarely chats on social media  but she sends text messages or talks face-to-face . 

Page 82 

Read the text and solve ex 2 / 82 

Page 83 

ex 5 

ex 6 

1. You can ...the messaging app to your phone. 

2. It is illegal to ...into someone's else's e-mail account. 

3. Never a ...request from someone you don't know . 

4. You need to ...your profile ; it still says you are a college student .

5. You need to ...your username and password to access your account . 

6. Trolls ...nasty comments online. 


dodgy = riscant / periculos 

daft= scrantit / nebun 

hacker= infractor cibernetic 

snoop = a face pe detectivul / / a-si vari nasul peste tot 

CLASS 2 ; - 31st March 


Objective : - can.may/must ; Internet safety rules 

7/ 83 

What  five things would you send in space as representative of Romania ? Why ? 

- the flag 

- some recorded greetings 

- traditional clothes on a  wooden spoon

- photos from Bucharest, the mountains, the seaside , the Danube Delta 

- recordings of birds chirping around 

can = a fi capabil sa / a i se permite (informal )

may = a i se permite (formal)

must = a trebui 

ex 2/ 84 

1. MAY ...ask you a question ,sir ?

Of course you .MAY.., Mara .

2. Look at Annette ! She so well ! 

Yes, but she .CAN'T ..sing at all ! 

3. .CAN ..I use your camera, Dad? 

Sorry, Andy, you  CAN'T...

4. .CAN..I borrow your pen, Mark ? 

Of course, you  CAN ...Here you are!

ex 4 orally /84

Page 85 ex 6 interactive 

ex 7 / 85 

Safe online 

1. You must install some antivirus software on your computer , tablet or laptop.

2. You must use your antivirus software to scan your device regularly and check for any problems .

3. You must have a strong password

4. You mustn't  open e-mails from people you don't know. 

5. You mustn't  click on links that send you to online shops.

6.  You mustn't  download pirated music

7. You mustn't  post photos of others without asking for permission


Friday, 19 March 2021

Week 7 ; 22nd - 26th March

 CLASS 1: 23rd March 


Objective : consolidation 

page 77 ex 1 

picturesque = pitoresc 

picturesque city / buildings 

energetic lifestyle 

tree-lined streets = strazi strajuite de copaci 

fashionable boutiques

cosy cafes = cafenele intime 

high buildings = cladiri inalte 

We walked along the town's quiet, tree-lined trees. 

It is the most beautiful, picturesque city in the country. 

You can sit all day in one of the cosy cafes. 

We shopped at the fashionable boutiques in the city centre. 

page 77 ex 2

1. At the end of the day I like relaxing on the sofa. 

2. It is a large family house with five bedrooms. 

3. Put the milk in the fridge. 

4. There is a small rug on the floor. 

5. There are two armchairs in the living room . 

page 77 ex 3

1. Put the vase ON the table , pls ! 

2. Walk ALONG the street towards the traffic lights!

3. He went OVER the bridge . 

4. The window is BEHIND the sofa, 

5. Jane walked INTO the bank. 

page 77 ex 4

page 77 ex 5...

page 77 ex 6...

Page 78 listen and read 

page 79 ex 1, 2, 3, 4 orally 

 CLASS 1: 24th March 


Objective : consolidation 

Interesting things you have found out : 

hump = cocoasa 

They can drink 135 litres of water in 13 minutes.
Camels can stay without eating for two weeks.
Camels do not have water in their humps, they have fat storages. 

Interesting facts you have found out : 

Rhinocerus beetle is the strongest insect on the planet . It can lift thirty times its weight . 
Monkeys use tools to get their food .
Dolphins sleep with an eye open. 
Monkeys kiss and hug each other . 
Giraffes sleep in slots of 7 minutes.
Flea can jump 150 times its height. 

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Week 6; 15th-19th March

 CLASS 1 ; 16th March 


Objective : adverbs of manner 

We say get in and get out of a car, a taxi, or a van, but we say get on or get off motorbikes and bicycles and public means of transport, such as a bus, a train or a plane.

past = pe langa 

to pretend (ed) =a pretinde ca / a se preface ca ...

to lay - laid- laid  =  a aseza ( masa )

to lay eggs = a depune oua 

to lie -lay -lain = a fi asezat 

wasp = viespe

Source :

 Types and order order of adverbs : -

Ex 5, 6 page 73 in writing 


Last month she moved to a new flat . 

He is driving carefully . 

Every day they go to school on foot. 

He went to his office early. 

There was a cinema here. 

He quickly  opened the box . 

They came late last night . 

She is eating a sandwich hungrily

CLASS 2 : 17th March 


Objective : reading comprehension 

Page 74 

listen , read and express the message of the discussion 

skyscrapers = zgarie-nori

ex 2/ 75  : Read and complete : 

1. The river .THAMES..runs through London .

2. More than .8 MILLION in London .

3. Washington State is on the .WEST..coast of the USA.

4. D.C stands for ..DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA .

Champion's task :

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Week 5 ; 8th-13th March


CLASS 1: 9th March 


Objective : prepositions 

Page 68 

ex 3

Page 69 - prepositions of place 

against = rezemat de ...

next to = chiar langa 

near= in apropiere 

ex 6, 7 - orally 

Page 70 - listen and read the texts then complete ex 2 / 71

treetop = varful copacului 

thatched roof = acoperis facut din vefetatie uscata 

cosy = intim 

courtyard = curte 

1. The Korowai people's houses have got ...thatched roofs. 

2. Their houses are so high to be safe from floods and ...wild animals .

3. The Korowai .tell night .

4. The ' fairy chimneys' are in ...Turkey.

5. The 'fairy chimneys' look like ...upside down icecream cones. 

6. People enjoy living in the " fairy chimneys " because they are the hot summers and warm the cold winters. 

CLASS 1: 10th March 


Objective : prepositions of movement 


Listen and match the houses with their owners 

A - Jessica

B- Bill


D- Matt

Page 72 

to - catre

into - in interior 

onto - pe 

across= de la o margine la cealalta/ transversal 

along = de-a lungul 

out of = in afara 

over= peste 

through= prin 

past = pe langa 

Source :

ex 2/ 72 

When you come out of the station , turn right. Walk  ALONG ..King Street . Turn left on River Road and go .OVER..the bridge. Walk .THROUGH..the tunnel. When you get .OUT OF ..the tunnels continue to Pane Lane. Walk ..ACROSS .Pane Lane . My house is right in front of you at number 12 . You can't miss it ! 

ex 3/ 72 orally


 ex 4 / 71 Homework - Class Dojo, 14 martie, la pranz

Monday, 1 March 2021

Week 4; 1st-5th March

 CLASS 1 : 2nd March 


Objective : shops/ cities 

greengrocer's = stand de fructe si legume 

hairdresser's = frizerie 

hospital = spital 

butcher's= macelarie 

police station = sectie de politie 

library = biblioteca 

post office = posta

florist's = florarie

baker's = brutarie 

chemist's= farmacie = pharmacy 

fire station = statie de pompieri 

school = scoala

church = biserica 

park = parc 


gas station = benzinarie 


groceries = produse alimentare 

Places in town : 

1. You can borrow a book here. _L_ _I_ _B_ r a r _Y_

 2. You can buy groceries here. s _U_ _P_ e r _M_ _A_ r k e t 

3. You can buy medicine here. p h _A_ _R_ m _A_ _C_ y 

4. You can study here. _S_ _C_ h _O_ _O_ l 

5. You can see old things here. _M_ _U_ s _E_ u m 

6. You can see lots of animals here. z _O_ _O_

7. You can buy bread here. _B_ _A_ _K_ e r y 

8. You can keep your money here. b _A_ n _K_ 

9. You can see a doctor here. c l _I_ _N_ _I_ c

 10. You can exercise here. _G_ y __M 

11. You can eat here. r _E_ _S_ t a u _R_ A_ _N_ t 

12. You can buy a postage stamp here. p O__ _S_ t _O_ f f _I_ c _E_ 

13. You can get on a plane here. _A_ _I_ r p _O_ _R_ t 

14. You can buy a cat here. _P_ _E_ t s h _O_ _P_ 

15. You can play outside here. _P_ _A r k 

16. You can walk here. _P_ _A_ _V_ e _M_ e_N_ _T_

Page 66 

Read and complete ex 2 in writing 

trail = traseu 

picturesque = pitoresc 

cosy = intim 

The caves in the valley are picturesque. They deserve a visit !

The mountain cabin seems cosy enough to stop here . 


narrow # wide 

( ingust ) # ( lat ) 

The alley in front of my house is too narrow. We need a wider space for our car . 

CLASS 2 : 3rd March 


Objective : city life/ country life / connectors

however = oricum 

too= deasemenea


but = dar 

while = in timp ce ( timp )

whereas = in comparatie cu 

 Compare life in the city with life in the countryside :

In the city there are schools and universities but in the countryside there are only schools. 

In the city there are too many cars in the streets but in the countryside there aren't so many. 

In the city there is good public transport , but in the countryside there isn't like this. 

In the countryside it is quiet and calm most of the times. However, at the weekend the music is too loud and annoying . 

In the city there are shops and malls whereas in the countryside there are only a few shops. 

In the countryside there are friendly people and we can find them in the city, too

In the countryside there is clean air . However, in autumn or spring there is a lot of smoke in the air . 

Page 68 

ex 2

HM - ex 3, 4 page 77 on your Class Dojo portfolio until 7th March at noon