CLASS 1 -19th January
Objective : Past Simple versus Past Continuous
Past Continuous - imperfect
-act in desfasurare intr-un anume mom din trecut ( at 5 pm yesterday / at this time two days ago , when I saw you ...)
S + was/ were + V-ing
At 2 pm yesterday you were studying Maths.
S + wasn't / weren't + V-ing
At 2 pm yesterday you weren't studying English .
Was/ Were + S + V-ing ?
Were you studying Romanian at 2 pm yesterday ?
No, we weren't.
to borrow (ed) =a lua cu imprumut
to lend - lent - lent = a da cu imprumut
to stamp / stomp (ed) = a da din picior/ a bate in podea cu piciorul
Past Simple vs Past Continuous
Irregular verbs
CLASS 2 -20th January
Healthy Habits
Objective : reading comprehension
Reading :
to divide (ed) = a imparti / a divide
to boost (ed) = a da un impuls pozitiv / a intensifica
to get ill= to fall ill = a se imbolnavi
to fall asleep =a adormi
to encounter (ed) = a intalni pe neasteptate
innate = inascut
intruder= intrus
defense = aparare
to be prone to = a fi predispus la ...
to prevent (ed) = a impiedica / a preveni
to purchase (ed) = to buy - bought- bought
taste-buds = papile gustative
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