Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Week 16 ; 3rd-7th January


Objectives : sports / equipment


Listen to the  first song and find ; 

- a prepostion of place - behind 

- a phrasal verb - to look for 

Watch the video and name a place where people can swim 

- empty swimming pool 

Complete the verse:  

If you stay  within the light , I will always find you!

Page 44

mat = covoras 

goggles= ochelari de protectie

flippers= labe de scafandru 

gloves= manusi

racquet = racheta

wetsuit= costum de scufundari


ball = minge 

puck = puc 

stick = bat 

step = treapta

trainers= pantofi sport 

skates = patine

snorkel= furtun pentru respiratie 


do + activity/ exercise 

play + sport 

go+ activity ( V-ing ) 

To play tennis you need a racquet and a ball. 

To do rock climbing you need a helmet and climbing equipment.

To do aerobics you need trainers and a step.

To do snowboarding you need snow and a snowboard.

5th January 2022

sunny, cool 


Objectives :- sports / equipment

                   - eatwell diet

.Page 46 watch the video , listen and read the text 

plenty of ...= o multime de ( din abundenta ) 

nutrient = nutrient 

starchy = care contine amidon 

Ex 2/ 46 

T/F/DK; Correct the false statements

Discuss the eatwell plate image on the left 

Homework : 

Ex 4/ 45 Class Dojo post 


Saturday, 11 December 2021

Week 14 - 13th - 17th December



Objective ; reading / listening comprehension 

Page 104 Halloween 

grave = mormant 

 relatives = rude 

tinsel = beteala 

baubles = globuri 

suckling = care inca mai suge / "de lapte "

Page 105 Christmas 

to put up = a ridica ( un cort ) / a pune in picioare ( un brad ) 

ex 1 / 105  Negate the false sentences and write down the correct alternatives

Page 106 

shortbread = prajitura faramicioasa

haggis = mancare din maruntaie de oaie / vitel cu legume fierte in stomacul animalului

bun = chifla 

to let off = a descarca ( arma ) / a lansa 

tangerines = mandarine 

envelope= plic

Page 108 ex 1 

Pages 109/ 110 

lever = brat / maneta 

panel = placa 

1. What did the Time Traveller put on the table?

  He put a small object with two levers on the table.

2. Who asked "Where did it go?"

The Doctor did.

3 How did the Time Traveller feel when he travelled in time?

He felt horrible.

4. What did the Eloi look like ? 

They were slim wearing purple clothes ,but no shoes.


Friday, 3 December 2021

Week 13; 6th-10th December


Objective : present perfect continuous ( have + been + V-ing ) 

Page 36 

We use present perfect continuous for : 
- actions whose result is visible in present 

Eg : 
-Why are you all sweaty ? 
-I have been jogging .

- to emphasize the duration of an action 
Eg ;
I have been living in Giurgiu for 15 years .

Page 36 
Page 37 

Objective : reading comprehension 

Page 39 - read and complete :


Text A

Text B



The dragon that protects Iceland.





The dragon that is a symbol of rulers .





The dragon shows a sign of losing a battle.





People believe that Romans introduced the dragon emblem .





A giant appears in a coat of arms.





The dragon that represents strength.





page 40
 page 41
page 114 
page 115 

Monday, 22 November 2021

Week 11; 22nd-26th November


Objective : reading comprehension 
                 - present perfect

page 30 
page 31 
page 32 
ex 2

1. play - played - played
2. go - went - gone
3. travel - travelled - travelled
4. try - tried - tried
5. hear - heard - heard
6. win - won -won - flew -  flown
8.visit - visited - visited
9. be - was/were - been
10. see - saw - seen
11.write - wrote -written
12. arrive - arrived -arrived

1. Sarah has won two difficult competitions so far and wants to enter some more.
2. I haven't heard from John for two weeks. He's away on holiday.
3. Katy is going to Spain next week, but she hasn't flown before so she is quite nervous.
4.  I can't go out tonight because I haven't written my essay yet and it's due tomorrow.
5. Have you seen the new Lion King film, yet? It's fantastic!

1.Have you ever seen a fairy? No, I haven't.
2. Have your parents ever travelled to America? No, they haven't.
3. Has a friend ever told you a lie? Yes, he has.
4.Have you ever broken something at a restaurant? No, I haven't.
5. Have you and your friends ever slept in a tent? No, we haven't.

page 33

Objective : reading comprehension 

Page 34 
Page 35 

Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Week 10 ; 15th-19th November

 16th November 2021

cloudy, cool 


Objective : nature's curiosities

Page 28 ex 1 , 2 

1. waterfall

2. coast

3. forest

4. desert

5. valley 

to glow (ed)  = a straluci 

to twinkle (ed) = a licari

to sparkle =  a sclipi 

crooked= curbati / indoiti 

sheer = abrupt 

gopher = popandau 

to yield(ed)=  a da nastere la ...

1. There was a drop in mosquito population after the  2010 flood in Pakistan because ...

2. There is a lake in Kazakhstan full of ...

3....yielded spectacular colours in the sky .

4. Mounds in Mima are believed to be burrows of ...

5. Pamukkale - the cotton castle - is made by mineral ....

6. In Death Valley National Park there are . They .....

7. Gorge Waterfall in Lebanon ....

Objective : reading comprehension 
                 - present perfect

page 30 
page 31 

Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Week 9 ; 8th-12th November

 9th November 2021

rainy, cool


Objectives : past simple vs past continuous 


Page 22 

ex 2

2. Did he star in '" The Fast and Furious " films ? 

Yes , he did . 

3. Was he a professional singer ? 

No, he wasn't. He was an actor. 

4. Did he have a collection of about 30 cars ? 

Yes, he did. 

ex 3

used to =  obisnuia sa ...

didn't use to = nu obisnuia sa...

1. My parents used to walk to school when they were young . 

2. I didn't use to spend my holidays at the seaside when I was 6 years old. 

3. My uncle didn't use to wear glasses when he was 6 years old , but he does now. 

4. My grandparents used to drive a car when they were young . 

5. Did your best friend use to have a dog when he was five years old? 

to mock (ed) = a lua in ras 

Cyberbullying stories :

page 23 

ex 5

ex 6 page 23 homework -Class 1Dojo , 12 am . 

1. travelled

2. visited

3. looked

4. was taking

5. was standing

6. had

7. ordered

8. didn't try

9. had

10. started

11. left 

12. did you go

10th November 2021

sunny, cool 


Objective : reading / listening comprehension 

page 24

What was it like ? = Cum a fost ? 

Jane was at the ballet last Saturday and it was fantastic.

Tony stayed at home and watched a film with his brother but he didn't really liked it.

page 25 

ex 2 

The paragraph correct order is : 

C, A ,B, D 

ex 3

relieved = usurat / lipsit de griji 

The correct order of events is : 

 C, G, H, B , E , I , A, D, F 

Homework page 27 - Class Dojo / notebook

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Week 6; 18th - 22nd October


Objective : present simple versus present continuous 

Non-continuous verbs are verbs that we do not normally use with continuous tenses. These "stative" verbs are about state, not action, and they cannot express the continuous or progressive aspect. Here are some of the most common non-continuous verbs:

  • feelinghate, like, love, prefer, want, wish
  • sensesappear, feel, hear, see, seem, smell, sound, taste
  • communicationagree, deny, disagree, mean, promise, satisfy, surprise
  • thinkingbelieve, imagine, know, mean, realize, recognize, remember, understand
  • other statesbe, belong, concern, depend, involve, matter, need, owe, own, possess, have got 

Look at these example sentences, right and wrong:

want a coffee.not I am wanting a coffee.
don't believe you are right.not I am not believing you are right.
Does this pen belong to you?not Is this pen belonging to you?
It seemed wrong.not It was seeming wrong.
don't hear anything.not I am not hearing anything.

Notice that we often use can + see/hear:

  • can see someone in the distance. not I am seeing someone in the distance.
  • can't hear you very well. not I am not hearing you very well.

Source :

👀Page 19 

ex 7 

1. are having 

2. isn't 

3. are enjoying 

4. are dancing 

5. are playing 

6. is taking 

7. want 

8. is 

9. loves 

10 . doesn't want 

11. are going 

12 . sleeps 

13. are coming 

14. are having fun 

You are always messing around in the living room !  ( complaint)

They are always making a lot of noise during our classes. 

She is always watching TV in my room and she is never adjusting the volume . 

Objective - reading / listening comprehension 

                - past simple versus past continuous 

page 20 

celebrity double = sosie 

to swing - swang - swung = a ( se) legana 

 swing = leagan 

priceless= de nepretuit 

page 21 

Past Simple

Past Continuous

-          Actiuni terminate in trecut sau obiceiuri din trecut

-          Act in desfasurare intr-un anume moment din trecut

-          Yesterday ;  last  week/ Thursday; three days ago

-          At this time yesterday ; at one o’clock two days ago


S + V2



S (I, he,she,it) + was + V+ing

S (you, we , they )  + were + V+ing


S + did not + V1


S (I, he,she,it) + wasn’t  + V+ing

S (you, we , they )  + weren’t + V+ing


Did + S + V1 ?


Was + S (I,he,she,it)+ V-ing ?

Were + S (we, you , they) + V+ing?


Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Week 5; 11th-15th October

 IT'S FUN ! 

Objective : - present simple versus present continuous ( review )

                  - phrasals with ' bring ' 

Present Simple

Present Continuous

-        Actiuni repetate / obisnuite

-        Act in desfasurare

-        Every day/ week/ Thursday; always ; never ; sometimes ; usually ( de obicei ) ; often (des) ; seldom (rar)

-        Now , this moment , this semester , this autumn


S + V

S (he,she, it ) + V + s/ es


S + am/ are / is + V+ing


S + do not + V

S (he, she, it ) + does not +V

S + am not/ aren’t / isn’t + V+ing


Do + S + V ?

Does + S (he/ she/ it ) + V ?

Am/ Are/ Is + S + V-ing ?

Page 18 

Ex 2 interactive 

Ex 3

2.Do your friends play basketball? Yes , they do.
 3.Does your mum go to the mall? Yes, she does.
4.Does your dad drive a car? Yes , he does.
5.Do you have dinner at 7 pm? Yes , I do.

ex 4 

2.How often does you mum surf the Net?
My mom surfs the Net twice a week.
3.How often do you go to bed late?
I always go to bed late.
4.How often do you play footbal?
I play football once a week.
5.How often does your dad watch TV?
My dad often watches TV.

page 19 ex 6 

1.They aren't coming with us tonight.
2.I'm meeting George for lunch tomorrow.
3.Are you listening to me?
4.My dad isn't cooking at the moment.
5.Ed is sleeping on the sofa for the week.
6.Are you leaving for school now?

Page 16 - reading 

to bring  somebody along = a aduce pe cineva cu tine 

I can't stand = nu suport 

barn = hambar 

to give somebody a lift = a duce pe cineva cu masina 

hustle and bustle = zarva/ forfota 

to bring off = a realiza / a duce la bun sfarsit 

to bring in = a castiga bani / a aduce un venit 

to bring out =  a scoate in lume/ a lansa pe piata 

to bring about = a cauza/ a determina 

Objective : - present simple versus present continuous ( review )

                   -prepositions of time

Page 17 




At 6 o’clock

In the morning/ afternoon / evening

On my birthday

At the weekend

In July

On the 5th November

At night

In 2009

On Easter Day

At Christmas

In summer

On Monday

At noon

In the Easter holiday

On Tuesday evening


Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Week 4 ; 6th October

 IT'S FUN ! 

Objectives : - free-time activities / daily routines 

page 14 

Daily routines

Free-time activities


 going out with friends


 watching a movie

 brushing our teeth

 playing computer games

 having a shower


 ironing my clothes

 riding our bike/scooter



 going to school

 playing sports


 going shopping

 listening to music

 chatting online


ex 2 - reporting 

ex 3 - listen and write down what they have decided on 

They have decided to go to the amusement park.

More irregular verbs 

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Week 2 ; 20th-224th September


Objectives : " to be " / " to have got " - revision 
                 personal pronouns/ possessive pronouns/ possessive adjectives 
page 11

Objectives : - personal pronouns/ possessive pronouns/ possessive adjectives 
                    - prepositions of place / movement 


Pronume personale

Adjective posesive

Pronume posesive

I = eu

My ( book ) = al meu

Mine = al meu ; It is mine.

You = tu

Your (book)= al tau

Yours = al tau; It is yours.

He = el

His(book)= al lui

His = al lui; It is his .

She = ea

Her (book) = a ei

Hers = al ei ; It is hers.

It = ea/ el

Its (food)= a ei / al lui

Its = a ei/al lui; It is its.

We= noi

Our (book) = al nostru

Ours= al nostru;  It is ours.

They = ei/ ele

Their (book) = al lor

Theirs= al lor ; It is theirs.







Page 12  ex 13 b 

1. - We live in Romania.Our house is in Bucharest
    -Really? Do you like it here? 
2. - Kathy ,is this your pencil?
    - No, it isn't. It's Julie's .
3. - Susan and I are in the same school.
    - Is she in your class?
4. - his/ they
5.-their/ them 

ex 15 

3. Sally's hat 
4. the men's coats
5. the roof of the house 
6. Tony's and Mary's bicycles ( fiecare are una )
   Tony and Mary's bicycle (  ambii au o bicicleta)
7. The cover of the book 
8. Ben and Steve's room ( camera comuna)

Page 13 

Saturday, 11 September 2021

2021-2022 ; Week 1 ; 13th-17th September


Objectives : - review cardinal and ordinal numbers

                                                                 -countries and nationalities

Page 8 

ex 3 a  :

134= one hundred and thirty-four

15= fifteen

4= four


52= fifty-two

ex 3 b : 

12= the thelfth

31= the thirty-first

7= the seventh

82= the eighty-second

63= the sixty-third

20= the twentieth

Who's the first in the learning top from your  class ?

Eduard is the first in the learning top from our  class

Who's the second in the learning top from your  class ?

Andrei and Nety are on the second place .

Who's the third in the learning top from your  class ?

Page 9

Sabina is Romanian.

Maisia ia British.

Simon is Hungarian.

Lucas ia Portuguese.

Camila and her brother are Spanish.

Additional :$_bh22787pa

Objectives : - appearance

                                                                 - question words

Page 10

In your Class Dojo portfolio add a picture of you together with a text describing your appearance. 

Deadline : 19th September , at noon .