Tuesday, 25 January 2022

Week 19; 25th-28th January


Objectives : health problems / reading comprehension

page 54 

page 55 

page 57 


 Page 3/ 55


Objective : gadgets 

Page 58 ex 1 + 2 

Read the text and complete the sentences : 

page 60 ex 2 1. ..........

We can use a smartphone to search for information on the Internet, to call or text people, to take photos or to make videos, to play games, to listen to music, to watch movies, to access social media accounts, to download and use different apps and to join online classes.

We can use a mp3 player to listen to music.

We can use a game console to play games on a big screen.

We can use a laptop or a tablet to join and participate in online classes, to create documents and have them in a safe place, to go shopping online,to work from home, to read e-books.

to come up with = a veni cu o idee 

to come across = a descoperi 

to come out = a aprea / a deveni clar / a iesi (pata )

to come down with = a cadea la pat bolnav 

to come off = a avea succes in .../ a se desface / a se desfasura 

Monday, 17 January 2022

Week 18 ; 17th-21st January


Objective : subject - verb agreement 

The theory page 52 to be discussed and noted 

ex 2/ 52 

ex 3/ 52 

The theory page 53 to be discussed and noted 

ex 5/ 53 

ex 6 / 53 


Objective : health problems

page 57 ex 3


page 57 ex 4 

Be careful! Those scrissors are very sharp.

Neither Sam nor Ben likes playing.

Chickenpox is a childhood disease.

Both Ron and Mike are athletes.

Everyone in my class is going to the football match.


Page 54

ex 6 

2.My mom is making dinner or else my sister is.

 Either my mom or my sister is making dinner.

3.Ted can`t play golf. John can`t play golf

Neither Ted nor John can play golf


Wednesday, 5 January 2022

Week 17; 10th-14th January


Objective : plurals + quantifiers 

ex 1/ 57 

Ex 4 / 47 - which food is eaten for each meal ? 

For breakfast you can eat cereal and milk, pancakes and fresh fruit or egg and bacon.

For lunch you can eat fish and chips, chicken curry and rice ,pasta and meatballs or soup.

For dinner you can eat nothing . 

ex 5/ 47 

ex 7/ 47 

Look up on the Internet using " Food for sport " key phrase and complete the article 

Plurals : 


ex 1, 2 / 48


ex 3/ 48


Objective : partitives/ injures 



Page 49 4 a+b

Page 49 ex 5 

page 50 

Jane burnt her hand so she put some cream on .

Kelly sprained her wrist so she put an ice pack on it.

Mary hit her head so she put an ice pack on it.

Steve cut his leg so he cleaned the wound.

James pulled a muscle so he rested it.

Alex bruised his eye so he put an ice pack on it.

Martha twisted her ankle so she had an x-ray.

John broke his leg so he had an x-ray and after that he wore a plaster cast.

Read the text and answer : 

1. What happened to Bethany when she was thirteen ?

2. What did her friends do ?

3. How did Bethany 's father help her surf again ? 

Listen and state the main idea :
