Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Week 16 ; 3rd-7th January


Objectives : sports / equipment


Listen to the  first song and find ; 

- a prepostion of place - behind 

- a phrasal verb - to look for 

Watch the video and name a place where people can swim 

- empty swimming pool 

Complete the verse:  

If you stay  within the light , I will always find you!

Page 44

mat = covoras 

goggles= ochelari de protectie

flippers= labe de scafandru 

gloves= manusi

racquet = racheta

wetsuit= costum de scufundari


ball = minge 

puck = puc 

stick = bat 

step = treapta

trainers= pantofi sport 

skates = patine

snorkel= furtun pentru respiratie 


do + activity/ exercise 

play + sport 

go+ activity ( V-ing ) 

To play tennis you need a racquet and a ball. 

To do rock climbing you need a helmet and climbing equipment.

To do aerobics you need trainers and a step.

To do snowboarding you need snow and a snowboard.

5th January 2022

sunny, cool 


Objectives :- sports / equipment

                   - eatwell diet

.Page 46 watch the video , listen and read the text 

plenty of ...= o multime de ( din abundenta ) 

nutrient = nutrient 

starchy = care contine amidon 

Ex 2/ 46 

T/F/DK; Correct the false statements

Discuss the eatwell plate image on the left 

Homework : 

Ex 4/ 45 Class Dojo post 


Saturday, 11 December 2021

Week 14 - 13th - 17th December



Objective ; reading / listening comprehension 

Page 104 Halloween 

grave = mormant 

 relatives = rude 

tinsel = beteala 

baubles = globuri 

suckling = care inca mai suge / "de lapte "

Page 105 Christmas 

to put up = a ridica ( un cort ) / a pune in picioare ( un brad ) 

ex 1 / 105  Negate the false sentences and write down the correct alternatives

Page 106 

shortbread = prajitura faramicioasa

haggis = mancare din maruntaie de oaie / vitel cu legume fierte in stomacul animalului

bun = chifla 

to let off = a descarca ( arma ) / a lansa 

tangerines = mandarine 

envelope= plic

Page 108 ex 1 

Pages 109/ 110 

lever = brat / maneta 

panel = placa 

1. What did the Time Traveller put on the table?

  He put a small object with two levers on the table.

2. Who asked "Where did it go?"

The Doctor did.

3 How did the Time Traveller feel when he travelled in time?

He felt horrible.

4. What did the Eloi look like ? 

They were slim wearing purple clothes ,but no shoes.


Friday, 3 December 2021

Week 13; 6th-10th December


Objective : present perfect continuous ( have + been + V-ing ) 

Page 36 

We use present perfect continuous for : 
- actions whose result is visible in present 

Eg : 
-Why are you all sweaty ? 
-I have been jogging .

- to emphasize the duration of an action 
Eg ;
I have been living in Giurgiu for 15 years .

Page 36 
Page 37 

Objective : reading comprehension 

Page 39 - read and complete :


Text A

Text B



The dragon that protects Iceland.





The dragon that is a symbol of rulers .





The dragon shows a sign of losing a battle.





People believe that Romans introduced the dragon emblem .





A giant appears in a coat of arms.





The dragon that represents strength.





page 40
 page 41
page 114 
page 115