Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Week 2 ; 20th-224th September


Objectives : " to be " / " to have got " - revision 
                 personal pronouns/ possessive pronouns/ possessive adjectives 
page 11

Objectives : - personal pronouns/ possessive pronouns/ possessive adjectives 
                    - prepositions of place / movement 


Pronume personale

Adjective posesive

Pronume posesive

I = eu

My ( book ) = al meu

Mine = al meu ; It is mine.

You = tu

Your (book)= al tau

Yours = al tau; It is yours.

He = el

His(book)= al lui

His = al lui; It is his .

She = ea

Her (book) = a ei

Hers = al ei ; It is hers.

It = ea/ el

Its (food)= a ei / al lui

Its = a ei/al lui; It is its.

We= noi

Our (book) = al nostru

Ours= al nostru;  It is ours.

They = ei/ ele

Their (book) = al lor

Theirs= al lor ; It is theirs.







Page 12  ex 13 b 

1. - We live in Romania.Our house is in Bucharest
    -Really? Do you like it here? 
2. - Kathy ,is this your pencil?
    - No, it isn't. It's Julie's .
3. - Susan and I are in the same school.
    - Is she in your class?
4. - his/ they
5.-their/ them 

ex 15 

3. Sally's hat 
4. the men's coats
5. the roof of the house 
6. Tony's and Mary's bicycles ( fiecare are una )
   Tony and Mary's bicycle (  ambii au o bicicleta)
7. The cover of the book 
8. Ben and Steve's room ( camera comuna)

Page 13 

Saturday, 11 September 2021

2021-2022 ; Week 1 ; 13th-17th September


Objectives : - review cardinal and ordinal numbers

                                                                 -countries and nationalities

Page 8 

ex 3 a  :

134= one hundred and thirty-four

15= fifteen

4= four


52= fifty-two

ex 3 b : 

12= the thelfth

31= the thirty-first

7= the seventh

82= the eighty-second

63= the sixty-third

20= the twentieth

Who's the first in the learning top from your  class ?

Eduard is the first in the learning top from our  class

Who's the second in the learning top from your  class ?

Andrei and Nety are on the second place .

Who's the third in the learning top from your  class ?

Page 9

Sabina is Romanian.

Maisia ia British.

Simon is Hungarian.

Lucas ia Portuguese.

Camila and her brother are Spanish.

Additional :



Objectives : - appearance

                                                                 - question words

Page 10

In your Class Dojo portfolio add a picture of you together with a text describing your appearance. 

Deadline : 19th September , at noon .