Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Week 12 ; 24th-28th May

 CLASS 1 : 25th May 2021

warm , cloudy 



Objective : environmental problems 

Page 94 ex 2 

1. People throw away too many things .

2. Factory waste poisons lakes and rivers .

3. Car exhaust fumes and factory smog poison the air . 

4. People leave lights on even when they leave the room . 

5, Many animals are disappearing because they are losing their natural habitats. 

6. Companies cut down trees to make roads . 

Page 96 read the text and answer the questions : 

loggerhead = cap sec / patrat 

flippers = inotatoare 

shallow # deep 

(putin adanc / superficial ) # ( adanc ) 

to hatch (ed) = a ecloza 

nest = cuib 

1. What does a loggerhead turtle look like ?

The loggerhead turtle is the biggest hard-shelled turtle in the world. Its shell can be yellow, orange or brown. It has got four flippers: two big in the front and two small in the back altogether with a short tail.

2. Where do they lay their eggs ?

They lay their eggs on the beaches where their ancestors did and leave them to hatch on their own.

3. What dangers do their babies face ?

4. What dangers do the loggerhead turtles face in the ocean ? 

5. How can we help this animal survive ? 

Page 97 ex 4 + 5 

Which of these animals have fins, fur , sharp teeth , whiskers , horns , a shell ? 

Animal Classification 

to be going to 
future predictions based on what we can see 

future intentions and plans 

Ex 2/ 98 
ex 3/ 98 
ex 4 / 98 + 5/ 99 


Identify environmental problems in Giurgiu , take at least  picture , name them , add on the next padlet 
Deadline 28th , at noon 

Made with Padlet

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Week 11 ; 17th-21st May

CLASS 1 ; 18th May 2021

windy, warm 



Objective : reading comprehension 

Page 90 

ex 1  listen and repeat 

 ex 2  complete and check 

page 92 

journey = calatorie 
strange = weird= odd = ciudat 

listen and read 
Ex  2 / 91 homework 

CLASS 2 ; 19th May 2021

partly sunny, warm 



Objective : consolidation

page 92 

ex 1 a

ex 4 

page 93 

ex 1

1. chat 

2. hug

3. send

4. download 

5. shake 

ex 2

ex 4

ex 5 

Week 10; 10th-14th May

 CLASS 1 ; 11th May 2021


Objective ; question tags 

Discuss the results of the questionnaire 

Question tags : 


Page 88 ex 2 in writing 

1. Dave bought a laptop, didn't he ? 

2. You like surfing the Net , don't you ? 

3. She's online now, isn't she ? 

4. You're tired, aren't you ? 

5. He's talking to Steve , isn't he ? 

6. That's my smartphone, isn't it ? 

7. Paul had lunch, didn't he ? 

8. This is their computer, isn't it ? 

Check by listening 




CLASS 2 ; 12th May 2021

sunny, warm 



Objective ; agreeing / disgreeing 


Page 89 , ex 5 in writing 

1. I like posting photos online. I don't.

2. I prefer talking face to face. So do I.

3. I often send text messages. So do I.

4. I don't send letters. Neither do I.

5. I don't talk on the landline. I do.

6. I often chat on social networks. So do I.

7. I don't chat on social media. I do.

8. I have got a tablet. I haven't.

ex 6 in pairs 




Ex 3 / 93 - homework  carte

Prop 10-19 link 2