Friday, 20 November 2020

Week 12 ; 2nd-4th December

 CLASS 1 - 2nd December 


objective : - past tense 

Read the following story:


     Bob is a young sailor. He lives in England, but he is often away with his ship.

     One summer he comes back from a long voyage and finds new neighbors near his mother’s house. They have a pretty daughter, and Bob soon loves her and he wants to marry her when he comes back. Bob promises the girl to send a present from every port.

      Bob’s first port is Capetown in Africa, and he sends the girl a parrot from there. The parrot speaks three languages. When Bob’s ship reaches Australia, a letter comes from the girl. The letter says, “Thank you for the parrot, Bob. It tasted much better than a chicken.”


      a) Write the story again. Use THE SIMPLE PAST:


      Bob was a young sailor. He lived in England, but he was often away with his ship.     

One summer he came back from a long voyage and found  new neighbors near his mother’s house.     They had a pretty daughter, and Bob soon loved  her and he wanted  to marry her when he came back.   Bob promised  the girl to send a present from every port. Bob’s first port was  Capetown in Africa, and he sent  the girl a parrot from there. The parrot spoke three languages.When Bob’s ship reached Australia, a letter came  from the girl. The letter said “Thank you for the parrot, Bob. It tasted much better than a chicken.”


to fall in love with = a se indragosti de ...

fall- fell - fallen 

      b) Answer the questions about the story:


1.     What was Bob?

He was a young sailor.

2.     What change did he find when he was back home?

When he came back home he found new neighbours. 

3.     How was their daughter?

They had a pretty daughter .

4.     How did Bob feel about the girl?

He fell in love with the neighbours' girl. 

5.     What did Bob tell the girl?

He promised that he would send a present to her from every port.

6.     What did Bob send the girl from Capetown?

He sent her a parrot. 

7.     Where is Capetown?

 It is in Africa . 

8.     How many languages did the parrot speak?

It spoke three languages. 

9.     What did the girl do with the parrot?

The girl ate the parrot .


Page 40 - listen to the text and complete ex 3/ 40  AS HOMEWORK 

auditorium = sala de specatacol
audience = public 
fair = targ 
to juggle (ed) -a jongla



Week 11 ; 23rd-27th November

 CLASS 1- 24th November 


Objective : - hobbies listening

                  - past simple 

Listen and check your understanding :



Eduard ate doughnuts last weekend . 
Nety didn't eat doughnuts last weekend . 
Did you eat doughnuts last weekend ? 

CLASS 2- 25th November 


Objective : - past simple 

page 38 ex 2

come - came - come = a veni

find - found - found = a gasi 

change - changed - changed = a schimba 

see- saw - seen = a vedea 

want - wanted - wanted = a vrea 

have - had - had = a avea

give - gave -given = a da

look- looked - looked = a privi

go -went - gone = a merge

take - took - taken = a lua

listen - listened - listened = a asculta

make - made - made = a face 

ex 3 / 38 

1. went 

2. was


4. began 

5. stood up 

6. cheered

7. ran 

8 . started 

9. laughed 


11. didn't win 

12. decided 

13 . wasn't 

14. returned 

be - was / were - been = a fi 

win - won - won = a castiga 

return - returned -returned = a se intoarce 

decide- decided- decided = a decide 

laugh- laughed-laughed = a rade 

run - ran - run = a alerga/ a fugi / a conduce ( o afacere )

cheer - cheered - cheered = a incuraja 

stand - stood -stood = a sta in picioare 

to run a business= a conduce o afacere 

to lead a party = a conduce un partid 

Page 39 ex 6, 7 , 8 

ex 7/ 39

1. Did your mum drive you to school yesterday morning ? Yes, she did. 

2. I didn't work in the garden last Thursday. 

3. There weren't many people at the sports match yesterday . 

4. Did Mr Smith go to the concert last Monday ? No, he didn't. 

5. Did you visit the library two weeks ago ? Yes, I did. 

ex 8/ 39 

Yesterday  I came to my friend's house.

Last night  I didn't do my homework.

Yesterday morning I played online games with my friends. 

Last Sunday my brother went to the park . He didn't finish his homework.

Two weeks ago I forgot about the party but I didn't forget to go shopping . 


Friday, 13 November 2020

Week 10 ; 16th-20th November 2020

 CLASS I - 17th November 


Objective : - types of funny  activities 

Why is the video above funny ?

The video is funny because of Mr. Bean's first reaction when he sees the subjects.

At a point he is thinking about cheating . 
Mr Bean is trying again to see the other's  test and he is coming closer and closer.


CLASS 2 - 18th November 


Objective : - fun activities vocabulary 

page 34 ex 1 

page 36 reading  + ex 3 

to chase (ed ) = a urmari 

square -eyed = cu ochii in ecran multa vreme 

   Dupa verbele LIKE / LOVE / ENJOY/ DISLIKE / HATE  se foloseste  V-ING  ! 

Ex : 

He doesn't enjoy  playing football ! 

I like painting with a lot of colours ! 

Listening exercise :

Hobbies - vocabulary

to take up ....( a hobby ) = a incepe un nou hobby 


EX 1/ 34 - comment under until the 22nd November 2020, at noon 

Friday, 6 November 2020

Week 9 ; 9th-13th November 2020

 CLASS 1- 10th November 2020


Objectives: - comparison 



Check homework 

Page 29 

who's = who is - cine este

whose = ask about possession - al cui

Ex 7, 8, 9 page 29 

Page 30 -listen and repeat ex 1 

Listen ex 2  and answer the questions :

What is the dialogue about ?

What do they decide to do together ? When ?

Ex 3 in writing : 


 CLASS 2- 11th November 2020


Objectives: - daily routine , reading 

                    - consolidation 

 Page 31 listen and read about the American family 

Complete ex 2/ 31 in your notebook  and try to write another sentence so that you 

compare their lifestyle with the Romanian lifestyle. 

porch = prispa/ veranda 

field = camp 

fence = gard 

to look after = a avea grija de 

to play catch = a se juca de-a prinselea 

yard =curte

front yard # back yard 

( curtea din fata ) # ( curtea din spate ) 

chores = treburi gospodaresti 

to mend (ed) = a repara 

1. The Adair family live on a farm , in Nebraska. 

2. The children do not go to school . 

3. Allen gets up at 6 am .

4. The children have lessons for 5 hours. 

5. Before going to bed Nancy prepares food and lessons for the next day . 

In Romania 

- the majority of children are not home-schooled . 

 TASK ; deadline 15th November 2020 

In your Class Dojo portfolio write down contexts with the verbs from ex 1 / 32.  You have to use present simple and present continuous . 

to have breakfast - PS

to walk the dog -PC

to go to school- PS

to play sport -PC 

to surf the net -PS

to do chores -PC

to watch TV -PS

to read a book-PC

to listen to music -PS

Champion's task : 

Page 33 the exercises left unsolved - write them down in your Class Dojo portfolio .

Watch the above video and resume the main idea . 


For 2 points at the test : - 

project about the video above